Our Little Jellybean

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*The Next Day* 

Ezra and I are getting ready for our appointment at the clinic. We are going to see our baby for the first time. I look out the window and stare at the glistening sheet of snow that covered the streets and the flakes that were still falling as I put my gloves on. Ezra walked over to me and wrapped his arms around my waist.

"It's beautiful, isn't it?" he said.

"Yeah it is." I started. "I've always loved the snow."

"Me too." he replied.

We stand there, in pure silence for a little while, watching the snowflakes dancing down to the ground outside.

"Are you ready to go?" Ezra asked.

"Yeah, I'm ready." I answered.

Ezra clasped my hand and we walked out of the apartment and out to the car. He opened the passengers seat and I climbed in then he shut the door. Ezra got in the drivers seat and turned the radio on. He started to drive slowly because the road was slippy because of the snow. 'Last Christmas' came on the radio and I started singing along. 

"You have a beautiful voice, Aria." Ezra claimed.

"I really don't, Ezra." I said back. 

"You do. Do you know any lullabies?" he asked.

"I know a few. Why?" I ask him back.

"Because you have a beautiful voice. And well, babies like lullabies." he explained.

I don't say anything, I just smile at him.

"What ones do you know?" Ezra questioned.

"'Hush Little Baby', 'Rock-a-bye Baby', 'Twinkle, Twinkle Little Star' and some other ones my Mom sang to me when I was little." I answered.

"You're still little." he laughed.

"Hey!" I laughed back.

"But you have a big heart." he added.

I smile at him and rest my head on his shoulder as he drives us to the clinic. A song that I've never heard comes on the radio. The lyrics catch my attention and I listen closely to the words.

Oh darling, don't you ever grow up
Don't you ever grow up,
Just stay this little.
Oh darling, don't you ever grow up,
Don't you ever grow up,
It could stay this simple.
I won't let nobody hurt you,
Won't let no one break your heart,
And no one will desert you,
Just try to never grow up.

"Those lyrics are really sweet." Ezra said.

"Yeah they are." I confirmed.

"What song is it?" he asked.

"I don't know but I love it." I said.

We both sat silently until the song ended, waiting for the broadcaster to say the name of the song.

"And that was 'Never Grow Up' by Taylor Swift, from her album 'Speak Now'." the broadcaster confirmed.

"Never Grow Up." I repeated, quietly.

"Looks like you've found a new lullaby." Ezra said.

I looked up and smiled at him then rested my head back on his shoulder. We were both silent until we arrived at the clinic. Ezra got out of the car then let me out. He locked the car and we both looked at the door of the clinic.

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