Safe For Now

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I'm waiting in Wrights Playground for whoever left the note. Ezra is still in the car, on a pathway near the playground.

I took my phone out of my pocket and texted Ezra as I felt the cold air nip at my fingers.

'Can you see me?' I texted him.

'Yes I can see you, babe.' Ezra texted back immediately.

'Is Daisy okay?' I asked him.

'Yes she's still sleeping, safe and sound, wrapped in her little pink blanket in her car seat.' He reassured me.

'I love you both so much.' I sent to him.

'We love you too.' He replied less than half a minute later.

I smiled at his text then put my phone back in my pocket as I sat down on the cold metal bench to wait for the person who left the note to arrive.

I sat there, the icy air nipping at my cheeks and fingers. I was sitting there for at least ten minutes before I saw someone walk towards me.

They had long hair, their arms were exposed to cold, but their head was down so I couldn't see who it was.

I stood up slowly as the person got closer to me.

The person, who I assumed was a girl because of the long hair and body figure, was now standing right in front of me, her head still down.

"Do- do I know you?" I stuttered, trying not to sound as scared as I was.

Slowly, the girl raised her head to look at me. I couldn't believe what I was seeing.

"Yes, you know me." The familiar voice answered.

"Mona?" I asked, even more scared than I was before.

She just nodded slowly, also looking scared. Her hair was knotted, her skin covered in dirt. Her arms were bruised and scraped.

"I... I thought you were dead." I said slowly.

"I'll explain that later." She replied. "First, we need to talk about you... and your family."

I nodded as Mona and I sat on the bench.

There was about a minute of silence before I decided to speak.

"On the note, you wrote that 'they' are after my daughter." I spoke slowly. "Who are 'they'?"

"They are A." Mona started to explain. "There's a boy and a girl but I don't know who they are. They always wore one of the Ali masks when I saw them."

"How do you know that it's a boy and a girl?"

"I was in the room they kicked me in, they must've thought that I was sleeping but I wasn't and I overheard them talking..." She paused and took a deep breath before continuing. "About having a baby of their own."

"What does that have to do with me and my family?"

"They can't conceive their own child." Mona informed me. "They're planning to kidnap your baby."

I looked down at the ground beneath my feet, my eyes tearing up as I shook my head slowly.

"No. No I will not let anyone take my baby away from me." I raised my voice slightly. "I'll die before I let anything happen to her."

"And if you stay in Rosewood that is what will happen." Mona warned me. "They're willing to kill you and Ezra to get her."

It's A Girl - Ezria Pregnancy Story (Completed)Where stories live. Discover now