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Aria's POV

It's now the end of the week and Ezra and I are finally able to take out baby girl home.

Daisy was dressed in the outfit Spencer bought for her, which we were all surprised to see that it actually fit her, and we were ready to leave the hospital right after we sign her release papers.

The nurse brings the papers to us and I practically jump up from the bed where I was sitting beside Ezra who is holding our precious daughter in his arms.

"You sign first, honey." Ezra said to me.

I smiled at him then signed the papers before sitting back on the bed. Ezra carefully handed our daughter to me so he could sign the papers.

"Hi, sweetheart." I whispered softly to Daisy who was now in my arms.

She looked up at me with her beautiful blue eyes and I couldn't help but smile at her. She's so perfect.

"I love you so much, my little angel." I whispered before placing a kiss on her forehead.

When I looked back up, I saw that Ezra was staring at us with a big smile on his face.

"What are you smiling at?" I asked him.

"You." He replied.


"Because you're an amazing mother, an amazing wife and I love you."

"I love you too, Ezra." I reply, smiling like an idiot.

"Ready to go?" Ezra asked me.

"More than ready." I reply as I stand up with Daisy in my arms.

Ezra grabs the bags that we still had with us at the hospital, there was only two because my dad and Ezra took the other ones to our house last night.

"Let's go home." Ezra said as he held the door open for me with his free hand.

"Let's go home." I repeated as I walked out the door.

The nurse walked Ezra and I to the hospital doors and watched us as we went out to his car.

"I can't wait to finally get home." I said as I strapped Daisy into her car seat.

"Me neither." Ezra said as he put the bags in the trunk of the car.

I double checked to make sure that Daisy was securely strapped into her car seat before I got in the passenger seat of the car. Ezra got in the car not long after I did and he started the car.

The noise of the car starting up startled Daisy and she started crying.

I turned to look at her and I reached over to take her tiny hand in mine.

"Shh, baby, it's okay." I spoke softly to her. "We'll be home soon."

"I'm so sorry baby girl, I never meant to frighten you." Ezra said apologetically as he also turned to look at our daughter.

Daisy slowly calmed down and stopped crying as her father and I soothed her.

Once we were sure that Daisy had settled, Ezra started driving.
The rest of the car ride home was silent and it only lasted about ten minutes.

I got out of the car and took Daisy putt of her car seat as Ezra grabbed the bags from the trunk.

We walked to the front door together and Ezra opened the door.

It's A Girl - Ezria Pregnancy Story (Completed)Where stories live. Discover now