Broken Waters

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The girls, Caleb and I just arrived at Ezra and my house for lunch. Ezra promised Hanna that he would make her pesto sometime, so that's what we're going to be eating. I opened the front door and was instantly pulled into Ezra's embrace. Once we'd pulled away from the hug, I crashed my lips against his. He smiled against my lips, and then returned the kiss. The kiss lasted a good thirty seconds until someone cleared their throat from behind us.

"I think they've forgotten that they have company." Caleb laughed.

We stopped kissing and Ezra flashed me his signature boyish grin.

"Company that's hungry and want pesto." Hanna added.

"Oh, right yeah, it's already cooked and ready for everyone." Ezra informed us.

Hanna smiled and clapped excitedly. We headed to the dining room and sat at the table.

"This looks and smells amazing." Spencer complimented.

"Tastes amazing, too!" Hanna said with a mouth full of pesto.

"Thank you, both of you." Ezra replied.

We just sat at the table and ate our pesto in silence. Although the silence was comforting, I decided to break it.

"So... Graduation in a month?" I said with a questioning tone.

"Yes, and Prom in three weeks!" Hanna squealed in excitement.

"Oh, yeah! What are you wearing? And what color? I need to make my tie match." Caleb asked Hanna.

"I dunno yet. I need my girls to come dress shopping with me..." Hanna hinted.

"I'm in!" Spencer agreed.

"Me too." Emily consented.

"Sure, I'll go dress shopping," I started "but I don't know if I want to go to Prom."

"What? Aria! You have to go to Prom!" Hanna half shouted.

"I just don't think-"

"Aria, you're going!" Hanna said stubbornly, clearly not accepting 'no' as an answer.

"Fine," I sighed, "I'll go."

"Yes!" Hanna screeched.

"But, only if my perfect husband will be my date." I hinted at Ezra as I looked at him with puppy dog eyes and a pout.

"You know I can't say no that face." Ezra agreed with a smile.

"Ali, what about you? Are you coming dress shopping with us?" Hanna asked the one person who hadn't spoken since we arrived at the house.

"Uh, yeah, if you guys want me to." Alison replied.

"Of course we want you to!" Hanna's bubbly voice chirped.

"Okay, so we'll go the Saturday before Prom?" Spencer asked.

"Why that Saturday?" Hanna asked, well sort of complained.

"Because Aria's pregnant. Her baby bump will grow. If we go any Saturday before, her dress might not fit when Prom night arrives." Spencer explained slowly.

"Oh, yeah. The Saturday before Prom it is then!"

We all went back to eating our lunch. By the time we'd finished, we still had fifteen minutes left before we had to start getting back to school. We all went and sat in the living room. Alison, Spencer, Ezra, and me, all managed to squeeze onto the couch. Caleb sat on the on the single seated couch across from us with Hanna perched on his knees, and Emily sat on the arm of the couch next to Alison.

It's A Girl - Ezria Pregnancy Story (Completed)Where stories live. Discover now