An Enemy Returns

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*Ezra's Apartment*

Three days had past since I was released from the hospital. Ezra and I were getting ready to go to the clinic to meet up with Sarah again so we can see our baby. Although it's only been three days since we last saw him or her we both wanted to go. I got my coat on and took Ezra's hand as I walked to the door. We walked to the car and got in.

"Do you want to go out for dinner tonight?" Ezra asked as he started the car.

"Yeah sure. Where do you want to go?" I replied. 

"Chez Mirabelle Vegan Bistro?" he asked.

"The restaurant we were going to go to when we were hiding from my parents?" I questioned.

"Yeah." he said.

"Okay but I'm paying." I answered.

"No I'm paying." he argued.

"We split the cheque." I argued back.

"Okay." he agreed.

The rest of the drive to the clinic was quiet, I had my head on Ezra's shoulder the whole time. When the car stopped I got out and looked into the mirror. 

"You look amazing." Ezra said, standing in front of me.

I smiled at him then kissed his cheek. He put his hand on my cheek and softly kissed my lips. I kissed him back, he took my hand then we started to walk to the doors of the clinic.

"Ezra?" a familiar voice came from behind us.

We turned around and saw someone we both knew. Jackie Molina, someone we didn't want to see again. Ezra and I's smiles both faded and our eyes widened.

"You're pregnant?" she asked, almost laughing.

"Yeah. We're married, too." I said, smiling up at Ezra, still holding his hand.

Jackie's smile faded and anger spread across her face. I chewed my bottom lip to stop the smile that was about to appear on my face. 

"You're still a teenager. You're still in high school." she said with a hint of jealousy in her voice.

"He's not my teacher anymore and I love him." I said, my smile now showing.

"You had your chance and you threw it away. I should probably thank you for handing that ring back." Ezra said. 

"Why?" Jackie asked, sounder more jealous.

"Because if you hadn't, I probably wouldn't have met Aria. I wouldn't be married to her. We wouldn't be living together and we wouldn't have a baby on the way. I wouldn't have fallen in love with her." Ezra explained, looking into my eyes the whole time.

I smiled at Ezra and he leaned over and kissed me. I put my other hand around the back of his neck and kissed him back. When we pulled away from the kiss we saw Jackie walking away. We couldn't help but laugh. Ezra opened the door and we walked to the desk. We were told that Sarah was ready for us so we walked into her office. She walked over and greeted us at the door. She told me to sit on the bed then asked me some questions.

"Have you experienced any bleeding or cramps since I last saw you?" she asked.

"No." I replied.

"That's good. How has the morning sickness been?" she questioned.

"About two or three times a day. I hate it but it's all going to be worth it." I answered.

"It is worth it." she assured me.

"Ezra has been very helpful though, holding my hair back, rubbing my back and massaging my shoulders to relax me." I added.

"That's a good guy you've got there. It was a lovely wedding by the way." she said.

"Thank you. We're glad you could make it on such short notice." I said.

She smiled and me then told me to lie down on the bed so she can give me an ultrasound. I took my coat off and Ezra took it from me. I lifted my shirt and lay down on the bed. Sarah handed Ezra the gel, he put my coat on his knee and squeezed the right amount of gel onto my bump that was only noticeable with my shirt lifted. Sarah moved the wand around my stomach and showed us the scrren on the monitor. Ezra and I both smiled and cried. I wiped the gel off of my stomach and stood up. Ezra put my coat on me and pulled me closer to him. He wrapped his arms around my waist and kissed the top of my head. Sarah left the room to collect the prints of our baby's second scan. She came back with three prints, same as last time. 

"What happened to your head?" she asked, looking at the stitches above my temple as she handed me the prints.

"I fell in heels." I said.

Of course, that was a lie but I couldn't tell her that it was my friends and my psycho stalker who has tortured us for years and has tried to kill us and everyone we love. 

"I know how that is." she replied. 

She gave us our next appointment date and we left. When we got in the car I checked my phone. One new message. I opened the message aloud to let Ezra hear.

"A baby on the way and an old enemy? I brought her back for a reason.
Kisses, -A"

I stared at the text for a minute trying to figure it out. Ezra already had a theory.

"Did -A bring Jackie back to Rosewood?" he asked.

"I think that's what the text means. But what use would Jackie be to -A?

Ezra stared the wheel of the car then looked back up at me.

"What if Jackie is on the -A team. What if she attacked you in Spencer's house the other night?" Ezra asked.

I quickly texted the girls and asked them to meet us at the apartment a soon as they can. Jackie is back. She could be on the -A team. Our baby's life might not be a promise. Ezra pulled me close to him as he saw the tears forming in my eyes.

"Aria, look at me." he said.

I raised my head and looked into his blue eyes.

"Our baby will be fine. I will not let Jackie touch you or hurt you in any way." Ezra said.

"Ezra, I'm scared." I admitted.

"I know, babe. I am too." Ezra replied.

A few tears spilled from my eyes. Ezra wiped them away then leaned in a kissed me. I kissed him back twice, then rested my head on his shoulder as he started driving.

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