She Kicked

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Spencer, Emily and I are standing in one of the visiting rooms waiting for one of the prison guards to bring Alison, that's if she even wants to see us. 

"This is weird." Spencer broke the silence.

"Of course it's weird. We're visiting someone to apologize for accusing them of a murder she didn't commit." Emily answered.

The three of us were startled by the door being pulled open. Standing there was Alison with one of her arms being held by the prison guard. The guard walked her in, sat her down, then left. Emily was first to sit down, then me, and lastly, Spencer. 

"I never thought you guys would come to visit me." Alison started, staring at the table between us.

"We know you didn't kill Mona. And we're sorry for not believing you." I replied.

"You believe me?" Alison asked, shooting her eyes from the table to me.

"Yes." Emily answered.


"Because Mike told us a plan that Mona had." I whispered.

"What plan?" Alison questioned.

"To frame you for her murder. It was A's idea. Mona played along. She thought that by committing to the plan that she would find out who A is." Spencer explained.


"She was storing her blood. She was going to smear it all over her house to make it look like you murdered her. She was going to leave Rosewood, find out who A is, then she was going to come back." I detailed my answer. 

"Mona's alive?

"No. A double-crossed and killed her." Spencer answered.

Alison looked back down at the table. She was on the verge of crying.

"We'll get you out of here." Emily cooed her.


"I don't know, but we will.

Alison forced a sad smile then looked over to me.

"How are you and Ezra?" she asked me.

"We're good. Yeah, yeah, we're great." I replied with a smile. 

"And the baby?

"She's great. She's healthy." I answered.

"Its a girl?"


Alison looked back down at the table and clasped her hands together before looking back up at me.

"Look, about the ice ball... I'm sorry for what I did. I should never have told everyone that you're pregnant. Once I'd told everyone I instantly regretted it. I only said it because was jealous... I'm still jealous because you all have each other. I felt left out and I hate that feeling. I thought that by telling everyone I would feel better, but I felt worse. I felt worse because I'd hurt you and Ezra, two of the few people I trusted and cared about, along with Hanna, Spencer and Emily and I'm sorry, Aria. I'm really sorry." Alison started, her voice cracking as she held back tears.

"I forgive you." I replied.

Alison smiled slightly then looked down at the handcuffs around her wrists.

"If I get out of here-

"When you get out of here..." Emily corrected Alison.

It's A Girl - Ezria Pregnancy Story (Completed)Where stories live. Discover now