Wedding Talk

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*The Next Morning* 

I woke up with my head on Ezra's chest. I listened to his heartbeat and ran one of my fingers across his scar from the operation he had because of being shot in New York. I hate thinking of that night because when I do I think about the fact the I nearly lost him. I honestly wouldn't know how to live without him. I looked up at Ezra who is still sleeping. He started laughing. I laughed, knowing that he sometimes laughs in his sleep. I kissed his cheek and slowly climbed out of bed, trying not to wake him, and went to make coffee. There is a knock at the door. I check the time on the clock. It's only 6:30am.

"Who would be at the door this early?" I say to myself as I walk over to the door.

I open the door to find no one standing there. I look toward the staircase and see a figure dressed fully in black, black hoodie, black pants, black boots and black gloves, turning the corner and walking down the stairs. It was -A. I haven't heard anything from -A about the baby for a few days so i knew they would be in contact again. I look down and see a care package. I take it inside and place it on the sofa. I look over to Ezra who is now awake.

"What's that?" he asked with a tired voice.

"A care package from our good friend -A." I said, sarcastically. 

He looks at me and gets out of bed. He walks over to me and looks at it.

"There's a note." he pointed out.

I pick up the note and read it out loud so Ezra can hear.

"Mommy's on board with your little mistake and I'm just being a supportive friend. This care package might be helpful. Take care, Aria!
Kisses, -A."

I put the note down and look at whats inside the care package. A bottle of parental vitamins. A pregnancy book called 'What To Expect When You're Expecting'. A parenting book. A list of things to do and not to do during pregnancy. Fruit and baby toys. I pick the package up and put it in the bin, along with the note. I walk over to the window and looked out at the snow. Ezra came over and took my hand.

"We won't need to deal with -A when we leave this godforsaken town." he said.

I was about to agree with him until I remembered the message -A sent about not leaving Rosewood.

"We can't leave Rosewood." I replied.

"Why not?" he asked.

I walked over to the coffee table, where I left my phone the night before, and showed Ezra the text. He read it and shook his head. He knew what the message meant so he didn't say anything, he pulled me into his arms and held me there. I always feel safe when Ezra is holding me. We stand there, watching the snow. I start feeling weird and pull away, knowing why, and run to the bathroom. Ezra followed me and held my hair back as I threw up. Morning sickness again.

"Thank you." I said to Ezra as he let my hair go.

"You don't need to thank me." he said as helped me stand up. 

I rinsed my mouth and brushed my teeth to get rid of the taste of throw up.

"What do you want for breakfast?" Ezra asked.

"I'll just have fruit." I said. 

He kissed my head and walked out the bathroom. I followed him to the fridge. I took out an apple and bit into it. I swallowed it and looked at Ezra.

"Where do you get these apples?" I asked.

"The store. Why?" he asked, looking at me confused.

"They're amazing." I replied.

He picked up an apple and took a bite. 

"Wow, they are amazing." he agreed.

I smiled at him and ate the rest of the apple. 

*That Afternoon*

Ezra and I had just returned home from shopping. We went food shopping and also bough things for pregnancy care because neither of us trusted -A. We were unpacking the food when Ezra stopped and stared at me.

"Why are you staring at me?" I ask, laughing. 

"You know how you always wanted to get married before you have children?" he said.

"Yeah, it's a little late for that." I laughed.

"What if it's not?" he asked, smiling.

"Ezra, I'm already pregnant." I said, looking at him puzzled.

"I know but you're not due for eight months." he replied.

"Okay so when would we get married?" I joked.

"How about on Christmas Day?" he asked. 

"Are you serious?" I asked, stunned. "Christmas is in less than a week."

"I know but I've been planning it for a while. I've booked the church. I've booked the photographer. I've booked the caterer. I've sent out invitations. I've done pretty much everything, All you need to do is help choose a cake, pick a dress, show up at at the alter and say 'I do'." he said confidently. 

"You planned all of that by yourself?" I asked, stunned.

"Well no. Hanna, Spencer and Emily helped." he replied.

"They've been keeping that a secret from me? And how can you afford it all?" I asked him.

"Aria, I ddon't care how much it costs. Having you in my life, for the rest of my life is worth more than money can buy." he explained.

I smiled at him and let a tear roll down my cheek.

"A Christmas wedding." I said quietly.

"What do you say?" he asked.

I smiled at him then pressed my lips against his. I pulled away from the kiss.

"I say yes." I replied.

He smiled then leaned back in and kissed me.

It's A Girl - Ezria Pregnancy Story (Completed)حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن