The Monster Is Scared

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*Back At Ezra's Apartment*

Emily, Spencer and Emily were already waiting by the time Ezra and I had got home. We let them into the apartment. Hanna, Emily, Ezra and I sat down, me on Ezra's knee, but Spencer kept on pacing around the apartment.

"Jackie's back. She could be on the -A team. She could've attacked Aria in my house." Spencer repeated, over and over again with a worried expression on her face.

"Yes, Spencer! Jackie's back. She could be on the -A team. She could've attacked Aria in your house! We heard you the first fifty times!" Hanna shouted.

Spencer hadn't actually repeated it fifty times, it was only about seven but Hanna was getting agitated by her. Spencer apologized for rambling and Hanna calmed down. Everyone looked at each other, everyone except me. I had my eyes fixed on the scan of Ezra and I's unborn child. The thought of losing our baby before we even got a chance to meet it made me want to cry. Ezra saw the tears falling from my eyes and kissed my cheek.

"Shh, babe, it's okay. We'll be okay." Ezra whispered in my ear, trying to reassure me.

It was like this on the drive home, too. Me crying and Ezra comforting me. I got lost in a pool of my own thoughts after Ezra whispered to me.

"Did Jackie even know you were pregnant?" Emily asks, taking me out of my thoughts.

"What? Sorry." I asked.

"Before she saw you and Ezra at the clinic? Did she already know that you're pregnant?

"I don't know. She looked surprised about it." I replied.

"What if Jackie didn't know? What if Big -A didn't go into the details?" Hanna joined in on the conversation. 

I got off of Ezra's knee and put my coat back on. I opened the apartment door and walked out, Ezra chasing after me. I started crying again as I walked through the doors of the builing and sat on the sidewalk. Ezra knelt down in front of me and held my arms.

"Hey, Aria, what's wrong?" he asked sympathetically as he wiped my tears.

"Everything." I started. "Jackie being back in Rosewood. Knowing that Alison is in jail but -A is still lurking. The fact that we are being held in this godforsaken town like animals in captivity by -A. Our baby, our innocent, unborn baby is in danger here and there is noting we can do about it because -A is always watching us."

Tears continued to roll down my cheeks. Ezra leaned into my face and placed a kiss on my lips. I kissed him back then he pulled away and leaned into my ear.

"You need a break from this town. How about we go up to that cabin I gave you the keys to? It will be me and you. It won't be forever but at least we can have some time away from here. Away from -A." he whispered. 

I smiled and nodded at him. He smiled back then kissed me. When Ezra kisses me it's like the whole world disappears and it's only him and I. 

"Aria, can I talk to you?" a voice came from behind us.

Ezra and I pulled away from the kiss, looked up and saw Jackie. Ezra tried to stop me from going to talk with her but I convinced that I would be safe. I told him to go back to the apartment, where we left the girls. Once Ezra had left I stood up to talk to Jackie. 

"Yes?" I asked her, trying not to sound rude.

"Can we go somewhere more private?

It's A Girl - Ezria Pregnancy Story (Completed)Where stories live. Discover now