Names And Meanings

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Ezra is finishing off making dinner while me and Emily are setting the dining table and Spencer and Toby are in the living room talking about the message we received from A earlier today. Hanna and Alison should be arriving any minute now with Caleb. Spencer and Toby walked into the kitchen, Spencer had her arms crossed, which usually means something is wrong.

"What's wrong, Spence?" I asked her.

"Nothing." she replied.

"Yes there is, you have your arms crossed and you don't look too happy. Spill it."

She looked over at Toby then let out a long sigh.

"Toby thinks we should try to trace A's phone ." she said.

"We've tried before, it didn't turn out so well , remember you and Aria nearly got frozen to death." Emily joined in.

"Wait, you what?" Ezra asked.

"It was about two months ago." I told him.

"Why didn't you tell me?"

"Because I thought I was going to lose the baby and I didn't want to worry you. I went to the hospital right after it happened and our baby is fine so there's nothing to worry about." I answered.

"Aria, I'm always worrying about you."

"Why?" I asked.

"Because you're tiny. And you're eighteen. And you're pregnant with my child. And you have a psycho stalker after you. And I'm madly in love with you."

"I'm madly in love with you too."

"Isn't young love sweet?" Spencer teased.

Just then there was a knock at the front door .

"That's most likely Han, Caleb and Ali, I'll get it." I told everyone in the kitchen.

I left the kitchen and speed walked to the front door. After pulling the door open I was pulled into Hanna's arms. She hugged my tightly.

"Feel free to keep this going." Caleb joked from behind Hanna.

Hanna unwrapped her arms and playfully punched Caleb's arm. Caleb pretended that Hanna's punch hurt him so she would kiss him, and she did. Behind Caleb and Hanna I saw Alison standing there, looking down at the ground with her hands behind her back.

"Hi, Ali." I said to her.

"Aria, hi." she responded.

Alison sounded shy and a little scared.

"Come in." I said to the three people standing in the cold outside.

Hanna and Caleb entered the house quickly, but Ali came in slowly, keeping her eyes locked on the ground.

"Can I take your jackets?" I asked them.

Caleb handed me his first, then Hanna. Hanna and Caleb paced into the kitchen.

"Alison, are you okay?" I asked.

"Uh, yeah, I'm fine. I'm just kind of nervous." she replied.

"Why are you nervous?"

"Well, because everyone here is so close now and I feel like I don't deserve a second chance to be close with any of you." she explained.

"Everyone deserves a second chance, Alison."

Alison smiled then looked up at me. She moved her arms to the front of her body. I noticed she was holding a small box in her hands.

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