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*Two Days Later. Spencer's House*

Emily, Hanna and I all stayed at Spencer's house last night. Her parents weren't home and we just wanted to have a girls night. By 'girls night' I actually mean 'time alone to think of a way to catch 'A''. We all still think that Alison is 'A' and we till think she killed Mona and Bethany Young. As far as we know, Alison is getting away with killing Mona and she is making Spencer go down for Bethany's murder. 

"This is so unfair! Alison is making Spencer go down for a murder she didn't commit. She killed Mona because she knew the truth!" Hanna yelled.

"I know. She can't get away with it. She won't." I reassured Hanna.

"Okay, thank you, bye, Dad." Spencer said as she put her phone down.

"What did he say?" I asked.

"Bethany's parents want my bail revoked." she replied.

"Revoked?" Hanna asked.

"They want Spencer back in jail." Emily said.

Hanna walked away with her head in her hands and sat down on the couch. She didn't say anything, instead she sat on there crying. I sat down beside her and put my arms around her.

"How are all your heads not exploding about this?" Hanna asked, raising her head and wiping her tears.

"You were a lot closer to Mona than we were." Spencer said.

"Yes but you're getting the blame for Bethany's murder." Hanna said.

"If I worry too much it will look like I do have something to hide sso I'm trying to stay calm." Spencer answered, trying to sound confident.

Hanna nodded and stood up to make coffee. She made us all a cup then sat back down. About ten  minutes passed before I had to go to the bathroom because of morning sickness. I have morning sickness everyday around the same time and sometimes more than once a day so I'm used to it. When I got back everyone had finished their coffees and were putting their coats on.

"Where are we going?" I asked as I put my coat on.

"Alison's." Emily said. 

"Why?" I asked curiously.

"She's not home. We need to talk to Jason." she answered.

"About what?

"Alison." Spencer said.

I nodded my head and followed them to Alison's house. Spencer knocked on the door and Jason let us in. Their Dad wasn't home so Jason got straight to the point.

"What do you want?" he asked.

"We need you to retract your statement." Spencer said.

"I'm not going to do that." he said.

"Why not? You and I both know that Alison has a dark side and you know that she wasn't with you when Mona was murdered." Spencer yelled.

"Because she's my sister." Jason explained.

"I'm your sister too, okay, and I'm going to go to jail for a murder I didn't commit and it's her fault." Spencer argued back.

"I want you to leave. All of you." Jason said, practically pushing us out the front door.

"Jason think about it. You know I'm right." Spencer aid before Jason closed the door on us.

We went back to Spencer's and just sat silently. 

"What if this backfires? What if Jason goes to the police and tells them we tried to make him change his statement?" I said, breaking the silence.

"He wouldn't do that." Spencer replied.

"How do you know that?" I asked.

"He's my brother. But he probably won't retract his statement either." she explained.

Spencer made us all sandwiches and we sat silently eating them. Half an hour had passed and I had to throw up again. When I got back out of the bathroom the house was empty. Spencer, Hanna and Emily were gone. I went upstairs to look for them. I was about to go into Spencer's room when I felt someone grab my shoulder. I turned around and saw a blur as I was thrown to the ground by a hooded figure. I landed on my stomach and all I could think about was the baby. I quickly got to my feet and started running. I just got downstairs when I was pinned with my back to the wall. I stared at the figure in front of me, hooded with a black mask, and I started crying.

"Alison, please." I begged for my life.

Alison didn't listen. She held in her hand, one of Spencer's field hockey trophies. She lifted the trophy and hit my head with the corner of it. I fell to the floor and all I saw was darkness.

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