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I sat in the car and watched for my five year old daughter getting out of school.
As I waited I couldn't help but think about the night she returned home to me.

I couldn't help but think about her mother carrying her in her arms and handing her over to me, with a smile on her face, before she collapsed in front of my eyes due to a gunshot wound.
That night replays itself a lot in my head.

I will never be able to understand how or why my own brother shot my wife.

I was pulled out of my thoughts when I heard the car door swing open.

"Daddy, guess what I did at school today." Daisy said as she jumped into the backseat, sounding really excited.

"What did you do, baby?" I asked her.

"I drew this picture." She said as she handed me her drawing.

I looked at her drawing, taking in every detail.

She's really artistic, she inherited that from her mother.

"Daddy, I miss mommy." She said to me, suddenly sounding sad.

"I know, baby, me too." I replied as I set her drawing down in the seat next to me.

I turned back to make sure Daisy had her seatbelt on before I started driving home.

"Do you have any homework to do when we get home?" I asked Daisy.

"Only some spelling." She replied.

"Well how about I get you a snack and then I'll help you with that when we get in?" I offered.

"Yes please." She replied, now smiling again.

It didn't take us long before we got home.

As soon as we got inside our house, Ariel ran over to us, and Daisy dropped her schoolbag so she could hug Ariel.

Ariel is our dog. We got her just over a year ago when Daisy saw her in the window of a pet shop and begged me to get her.

I went to the kitchen and fed Ariel then got Daisy a snack, like I said I would, and I helped my daughter with her homework.

She didn't really need my help, she's really intelligent for her age.

After Daisy finished her homework, she and I watched 'The Little Mermaid'. It's one of her favourite movies.

I made our dinner around 4:30pm and she was in bed and asleep by 8pm.

That's when the house was silent. I felt completely alone.

I picked up my favourite book, 'To Kill A Mockingbird', off the coffee table and began to read it to keep myself occupied.

I've read this book so many times, but I can't stop re reading it over and over.

I don't know how long I was reading before I heard the front door swing open.

I bookmarked my page and got up off of the couch, practically running to the front door.

I smiled as soon as I saw her with our three year old son sleeping in her arms.

"Hey, babe, how was it at your parents place?" I asked her.

"It was great, they're really happy for us, and they were excited to see Elijah again. We really have to visit them more often." She answered.

"Yeah, we do." I agreed as I carefully took Elijah from her so she could remove her jacket and shoes.

I carried Elijah upstairs and tucked him into his bed before I went back downstairs.

I walked over to my wife and kissed her passionately.

"I missed you so much, Aria." I told her as I pulled her into a tight embrace.

"I missed you, too, Ezra." She replied as she hugged me back.

Once she and I pulled apart, I looked her in the eyes before kissing her forehead.

"Thank god you're home, I was getting worried." I said quietly.

"Why were you worried?" She asked me.

"I worry about you every time you walk out that door because of everything that happened. Because of everything Wesley did to you."

"That was five years ago. It's in the past. We're not even in Rosewood anymore. There's no more A. Wesley is locked up. We're safe now, Ezra." She replied.

She was right. It is in the past, but I still worry. Especially now that she's eight months pregnant with our third child.

"How is baby number three doing?" I asked before I kissed her stomach.

"She's good. She's been kicking a lot today." Aria responded.

"She'll be here soon. I'm so excited to meet her." I said as I stood back up.

"I'm really excited, too." Aria replied. "I think I know what I want to name her."

"You do? What's the name?" I asked her.


"Why Hope?"

"Because there was a time when I thought we'd never get out of Rosewood, I used to feel like we would never get rid of A for good, but we did. I used to think that you and I wouldn't end up together. You were my teacher for a while. My parents didn't accept us, they tried to tear us apart. Your mom hated me. Your brother tried to kill me. You almost died." Aria explained.

Tears started to fall down Aria's cheeks and I gently wiped them away with my thumb.

"But here we are now, married with two children and a third child on the way." Aria continued. "I'm so happy now, I actually feel safe. I know that you're safe and I know that our children are safe. Part of me always knew that we would get to this part of our lives because I never gave up hope that we would make it this far."

Aria and I were both crying at this point.

I wiped Aria's tears once again before I leaned in and pressed a gentle, loving kiss on her lips.

"Hope is the perfect name for her." I said to Aria after she and I pulled away.

Aria smiled at me before taking my hands and gently placing them on her baby bump so I could feel our unborn daughter, Hope, kicking.

"I can't wait until she's here." I said, smiling at Aria's belly.

"Neither can I." Aria responded.

I looked into Aria's beautiful hazel eyes and smiled once again.

"I love you so much, Aria. You know that, right?" I spoke quietly.

"Yeah, I know." She replied.

Aria kissed me again before she smiled against my lips as she whispered to me.

"I love you so much, too, Ezra."


I'm sorry that it took me so long to update again, I've been really busy with volunteering lately and I don't have much time to write.

I just want to let you guys know that this is the last chapter of this story, but I will continue writing new chapters for my other stories.

Please leave your honest opinions about this story to help me improve my other stories

Thank you to everyone who read, commented and voted on this story, it really means a lot to me.

And thank you for being patient while I wrote new chapters and took ages to update.

- Chloe.

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