Date Night

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Ezra and I had just arrived at the restaurant. It was beside the beach and it looked very fancy from the outside but even fancier in the inside.

"Hello, how can I help you?" The kind hostess asked.

"I have a table for two reserved." Ezra answered her for the both of us.

"And what's the name?" She asked.

"Fitz." Ezra replied.

"Alright, right this way Mr and Mrs Fitz." She said.

The hostess lead Ezra and I to our table. We were bedside a window and the view of the beach was beautiful.

"This is the best table in the house." The hostess informed us.

"The view is beautiful." I spoke.

"Yes it is." So responded kindly. "There will be a waiter with you as soon as possible."

"Thank you." Ezra and I both said politely.

Ezra reached over and took my hand as the hostess walked away.

"The view really is beautiful." Ezra spoke quietly. "But there is something so much more beautiful."

"What's that?" I asked, glancing out the window again.

"You." Ezra responded, making me blush.

"Thank you." I responded. "You're very handsome."

"Thank you, honey." Ezra replied.

Ezra and I looked at our menus for a few minutes before a waiter come to our table.

He poured Ezra and I some whine and took our orders.

While we were waiting for our food to arrive, Ezra and I talked about what we wanted our future to hold for us.

"Well I know that we were only going to leave this town to keep Daisy safe, but now the police are watching our house and she is safe, do you still want to leave Rosewood?" Ezra asked me.

"Leave Rosewood? For a vacation or a permanent move?" I responded.

"A permanent move." He replied.

"Well, I wouldn't mind getting out of Rosewood but I wouldn't want to go too far." I answered. "Somewhere close so I can visit my mom and dad, my brother and my friends or so they can visit us when they want to."

"I wouldn't want to go too far away either." He agreed. "Maybe just to Philly or to New York."

"I've always wanted to visit New York, but I wouldn't like to live there. It's too crowded and too loud." I replied.

"We can live in the Suburbs, apparently it's quieter there." Ezra explained. "Of course we'd check out the neighbourhood first."

"Yeah, I like the sound of that." I said with a smile.

Ezra smiled back at me before lifting my hand to his lips, placing a gentle kiss against it.

Ezra and I were both silent for a few minutes before he asked the question that I wanted to ask him.

"How would you feel about having more children?" Ezra's voice broke the silence.

"Honestly? I would love to have more children with you." I answered slowly. "If you want more."

"Of course I want more children with you." Ezra responded. "I'd love it if Daisy had a little brother or sister. Or a little brother and sister."

It's A Girl - Ezria Pregnancy Story (Completed)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora