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*At lunch*

The girls and I were eating our lunch when Mike walked over to us.

"Aria, can I talk you?" he asked me. 

"Yeah of course." I say as I stand up. "I'll only be a minute." I say to the girls.

Mike and I walk over to a table with no one sitting at it and sit down.

"I just want you to know that I never told Mom and Dad about the baby." he whispers, insuring that nobody heard him. 

"I never thought for one minute it was you, Mike." I reply.

"Okay. I just wanted you to know." he said. 

"I do." I say.

"How did Ezra react?" he asked.

"He was surprised but he has a positive attitude and we've decided to keep our baby." I explained, still whispering.

"That's good." he claimed.

"Yeah it is." I say.

"Anyway you'd best get back to your friends." he said.

"Yeah alright." I say. We stand up and Mike hugs me.

"I love you." he whispered in my ear. 

"I love you too." I whisper back before I walked back over to Emily, Hanna and Spencer.

I sat down at the table beside Hanna.  

"What was that about?" Hanna asked me.

"Nothing. He just wanted to tell me that it wasn't him who told my parents." I answer. 

"Your parents know?" she said. She sounded surprised. 

"Yeah. So does 'A'." I said. 

"How did they react?" Spencer asked.

"My Dad wanted me to get rid of the baby." I whisper. "I don't know what my Mom thinks because I left before she could talk to me.

"'A' is such a bitch." Hanna said.

"Tell me about it." I say. I show her the texts 'A' sent to me.

All the girls look at the texts.

"Leaving Rosewood?" Emily asked.

"Ezra wants to. He doesn't think it's safe here and it's not but 'A' will find us so there's no point." I replied.

She nods at me. The bell rings to indicate that lunch is over and we walk to our next class. My Mom's class.

*In class*

Sitting in my Mom's class was really awkward. She barely looked at me but when she did she had her dissapointed face on. When she looked at me I looked away because I hated to see her 'I'm dissapionted with you' look. When the class ended my Mom asked me to wait behind. I asked the girls to wait on me. I stood in the middle of the room and prepared myself for the argument me and my Mom were about to have.

"If you're going to yell at me just get it over with, I have another class to get to." I said, trying to hurry the conversation.

"I'm not going to yell at you." she said.

"Okay. So what? You're going to try to convince me to have an abortion?" I ask.

"Aria, you're eighteen. You are too young to have a baby." she said, her voice raised a little.

"Yeah maybe I am but I'm not going to get rid of my baby." I said, slightly yelling.

"Well you can put it up for adoption." she yelled back at me.

"No Mom! I'm keeping this baby." I say, lowering my voice. 

"You're not ready for a child, Aria." she said.

My eyes start to tear up. I stand in silence for about a minute as I let the tears fall down my face.

"You know what? Maybe I'm not ready. Maybe I shouldn't have this baby. But that's my choice and I chose to keep my baby. I don't care what you or Dad think because I have people who support me. I have Mike. I have my friends and most of all, I have Ezra. I'm having this baby, Mom and you are not going to stop that." I explained.

I walk out of her classroom and slam the door behind me. I walk over to the girls who were waiting for me by my locker. They pull me into a hug then we walk into the bathroom. I wash my mascara stained cheeks and look in the mirror. I put on hand on my stomach and turn around and look at the girls. 

"God I am so delusional. I can't believe I thought my Mom would support me with the baby." I say.

Just then one of the bathroom stalls opened and Alison DiLaurentis walked out.

"You're pregnant?" she laughed. "God, you're a slut."

"Shut up, Alison!" Hanna yelled.

Alison laughed more and rolled her eyes. 

"What's so funny?" Hanna asked. 

"You." she said to Hanna. "You think you can tell me what to do? Well you thought wrong little girl."

"You are such a bitch." I said to her. 

She raised her eyebrows then looked at my stomach and smiled. It wasn't a friendly smile. It was a smile that she gave when she had a plan. She looked back up at my face.

"See you later, Mommy." she said before she walked out out the bathroom chuckling.

It's A Girl - Ezria Pregnancy Story (Completed)Where stories live. Discover now