64. The Short And The Long Of It

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Callios's demands were simple. He wanted Sylas's help to assist the transfer of his adopted heir from the Academy in the fief in possession of the Grand duke Callios to the Knights' Academy in Syris.

And he wanted Sylas's immediate attention to the problem.

"I can't afford spending time anymore. It was my fault to begin with that the child couldn't start with his studies when he was supposed to..."

He stopped and his eyes suddenly hardened when he added, "So, I look forward to seeing results. We shall make the vow and then I will provide you with any information you want about that little Saintess living in the Temple."

It had been a week since then. As of now the only thing Sylas knew about that heir of his was that they were sixteen and very knowledgeable in any matter referring politics.

'Well, it's predictable when we're talking about the heir of the duchy Callios the Grand duke chose himself.'

And what he knew about the girl...

He was prepared, that was what people would say about him if they knew the Circle was about to be summoned due to the problem with that murdered of the Temple. It had been ten day since the death of the saints and the royal family hadn't announced their decision of what to do with this significant matter.

Sylas asked himself numerous of times whether he would have made that vow if he knew that five or so days later the king would summon him to ask him of his wonderful shadows' assistance.

Sylas had always been the hidden support of the king when it came to finding the key of solving a problem. The dukes before him did the same thing for the previous rulers too.

But now of all times Sylas felt a bit hesitant. He didn't report Rhys about everything he had found about that girl too. It wasn't just about the vow and the sacrifice he had to make, so that he could obtain this information. He did imperil his relationship with Jax and Tara helping their father to educate his new heir after all.

But he had a personal interest in her after all. After meeting with that thing some more times he had come to the conclusion that he had to find his real daughter, indeed. She was bound to be still out there, Sylas just refused to accept that there was still a possibility that she wasn't even alive.

And this girl just so happened to be the spitting image of him. From what he had told by Callios it had to be her, there was too much resemblance to be someone else, but... The Temple was surrounded by light as if the whole land was purified and made of it. His shadows melted away the moment they stepped on this holy land.

It was useless...

'For now I can't do anything about this matter...'

He had to wait, that was all.

Aalya was an odd creature, was what Yuriel found out the moment she met her. Her enthusiasm was something she hadn't seen in anyone before and doubted that she had ever done that even before losing her memories.

"So, that must be that cute girl you were recounting to me about these days!"

The woman grabbed Yuriel's hands and squeezed them suddenly, startling her, "It's SO nice to meet you, my lady!"

"Y-Yuri is just fine..." She managed to say in shock.

"Didn't I tell you, Alli? She's a friend. You can just call her Yuri. I think that she might even like it better this way."

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