39. The Truth Will Get Out

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In the midst of chaos Tasia's mind snapped suddenly and she realized what had been out of her mind this whole time. The Circle must be with Liliana right now, but where was the prince?

'Noah had been called shortly before we had to meet. Is he with the king too?'

And Tarik, that cheeky boy, was always by his side. But to think of it, she hadn't heard anything from him after the morning. He had been complaining about the commotion outside, which could be heard even in their isolated Silver Palace...

Just as Tasia thought of it among the white figures there appeared two men in dark cloaks, whose hoods weren't covering their heads, unlike the priests'. And more importantly, those two were angry as hell and holding a sword in hands.

"It caught on me that you needed help. Are we late?" The blonde-haired man asked.

Tasia smiled genuinely.


His gloomy expression hanged immediately when he turned to her, but Tarik seemed too pissed off to do something like that.

"So, these are the ones that interrupted my sleep..."

Tarik or the Sleeping guy. Though extremely diligent in his work in the position of prince Noah's advisor, he appreciated his sleep quite much.

'So, he had decided to skip the ball...' Tasia figured out.

It was predictable of him. Maybe even Noah had given him permission to do so.

"Your party is all here," Rinea said and added, "So, you need to hurry. I know it won't be easy, but we count on you. We, Haresians, and even the Syrisians need your help right now!"

Rinea's words were supported silently by the green-haired knight, who put his hand on her shoulder and looked at Tasia too.

"You heard them," Anastasia said behind her, causing the black-haired girl to turn around.

"I will guide you as the Third and your last reincarnation. You should remember that I have no power when I'm in this form, so all I can do right now is to tell you how I did the purification and the healing when I was alive."

This way it should work, Tasia thought. It should. With the help of Anastasia, a chosen one by Leya, everything had to be alright.

'I have no choice but to succeed!'

"Then help me!" She exclaimed, her eyes brightening in blue flames.

"Lead me, guide me on!"

Anastasia's momentary surprised face vanished and the only feeling taking over her face was a warm smile, which had softened her features, "Well then, Fourth, let's begin!"

"Step back, Rin-Rin," Gale commanded, passing in front of her.

'Oh, so he's being the wolfy knight now!'

"Ha?! Dream on, wolfy cat! I won't step back even with a single step!"

Rinea reached for the daggers, wrapped tightly to her tight and the touch of the cold metal made her feel relaxed for a part of the second. She had no time to ingulf herself in the pleasant feeling that made her remember Leo's strong and protective presence.

Then she grabbed one of them and pull it out of the wrapping under her light skirt, which was a daily attire for the women, training as soldiers in Hares.

"I may be the most terrible female warrior, but I'm the bravest!" She yelled and jumped in the crowd of white robes ready to give them some piece of her mind.

The Healer Of Light And The Prince Of DarknessTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang