25. The Affection Problems Of The Captain's Foster Daughter

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There was no such thing as certainty in the beginning. It was all but certain... That was completely true and understandable but...

But why?

She asked herself this question countless of times and still had no answer.

Well, it was sure that the saintess was up to something. Something against them. And she had to have a reason for that too. The twins were doing nothing but to investigate her doings all this time. Everything they did was in order to find out why. Why were they targeted as living death from birth and before that too. Why could they not have a normal life, easy-solving problems, not involving two grand nations?

Well, she wasn't expecting this!

Tasia swallowed. It couldn't be...

"You have to be kidding me!"

Why were they doomed from birth?!

Tasia sighed. What was the point of thinking about the gods' wishes and demands? It wasn't the slightest bit her concern. Not at all! So, what if they had probably decided she and Cassian were the perfect ones for the roles of children of a damn old prophecy?

She was going to pip their intentions!

A small, thin light from a candle was seen by the ten-year-old as he wondered around the halls late at night. His pace was light, almost as if a cat was walking and not a very careful boy.

The night hour was ten p.m. and no one was allowed to wander around the Temple after that. Then again why was he breaking the rules?

Matthew couldn't tell either. It was a part of his instincts maybe but the moment he was met with the severe punishments that awaited him if he violated the rules, he had decided. Who were they to stop him?

After all weren't people saying that rules were made just to be broken?

He had already spent a week in the Temple and almost immediately had began the training for saints. To say it was wonderful would be understatement. He was excited that he could simply breathe the same air as the famous saints from the Three Great Saints' Temple.

But again something was off. He could feel it with every part of his body.

A laughter interrupted his chaotic thoughts and then an incomprehensible male voice was heard.

"...hear you..."

"Ha-ha...kay then."

A male and a female. Matthew's mouth almost dropped to the floor. They were enjoying their company as if...

As if they were lovers!

For the saints it was a sin to fool around with a companion in the Temple. Outside, yes, but inside, where the goddess' presence was the most felt, it was the greatest sin.

So, they were prohibited to wander after ten p.m. and in some places in the Temple (almost all of the place actually), but there were these guys who had the audacity to do such unforgivable things?

Matthew grew more and more curious. They were like him... Well, more than that but they too liked to break the rules.

'Who are they?' The boy followed the voices about several hundred meters distance until he was able to hear they quite well.

"What do you think? Do I make a fancy substitution?" A woman laughed as light and as lady-like as Matthew could imagine.

'Is that the way the noblewomen behave in the balls?'

The Healer Of Light And The Prince Of DarknessOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora