Chapter 26: Nightmare #2

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Valentina POV

I'm just here, lonely and broken. I never thought I
would hate being lonely until I met him. He somehow makes me feel alive and I feel like I'm appreciated. He listens to me and doesn't judge me.

In a weird way, him being around makes me forget about how hard life is and now he is Also gone. On campus I can't pull him to the side and talk to him. Here I can. I can just walk into his room no matter what he is going to listen to me.

He hates me but still acts like he cares. I hate him but need him in a way.

I should try sleeping and getting him off of my mind.

Great, I can't sleep. I've been trying for an hour now. I haven't heard a car in the driveway yet.

I look at the clock and it's 3 am. What could he be doing at this time? I have a test tomorrow. I should get up and study for it since I can't sleep. I'm scared to go downstairs since the guards hang out there in the night so I picked up my text books and headed to his room.

I walk into his bedroom and it's untouched. The wind flows through the room and his scent is everywhere. His scent calms me down in a weird way.

I sit in his bed placing my textbooks everywhere. I open my laptop and open up my personal study guide. I put on my glasses and begin studying.

I hear the laughter from downstairs and the television. They are watching tonight's game. Okay back to studying.

what if he was having fun drinking and smoking at some party and lied to you. He just took over. There can't be much stuff he needs to do, especially since Len isn't here.

Len and Vicky went out on their vacation.

Alessandro POV

I walk into my room and Valentina is laying in my bed fast asleep with text books everywhere. It seems like she was studying. I put my coat down and walked up to her. I close her laptop and place it on my desk along with her textbooks.

How long has she been sleeping here? It's currently 4am.

She is sleeping in an uncomfortable position. I lay her down properly and put the covers over here "Alessandro" she whispers. "Hm" I remove her glasses.

"Your back finally" she whispers. Was she waiting for me? "Yeah I am" I said. "I missed you, don't ever leave me for hours alone again" she shifts in her sleep. She is sleep talking.

Wait, she missed me? I thought she was happy I was gone for hours.

I remove her hair from her face and kiss her forehead. She really is a princess. Mine though.

Val is something I crave for when I'm not hear her. Do I know why? No.

She is in pain and I want to remove all her pain but it only makes it worse. She doesn't understand all the strict rules I have is to protect her. I don't blame her though. This is all new to her, so she has to learn.

I stare at her sleeping. I do this every night. When she is asleep she looks so peaceful and I can't help myself but watch. After work I always watch her before I sleep. It's one of the main reasons why I told her she can't sleep in her room on certain days. It's a routine of mine.

She starts mumbling and shifting in her sleep. Her hands make their way to my side of the bed. Is she reaching for me?

"Vince, help" she mumbled. Help with what?

"Take me Instead she is little" mumbled. A scream followed. I flinched at her scream and she screamed again. I flinched again at the sight in front of me.

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