Chapter 32: Found her

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Sofia POV

"Ella" I heard Josie's voice through the phone. I'm at work and Ella is back at Alessandro's. It's been three months now.

Everything has been going great for us, but not everyone else.

"Let's watch a movie. I miss movie nights" Josie asked Ella. "I'm busy, trying to read" Ella lied.

"Ella, I miss you. Come on you are barely around me" Josie said. "Okay fine, I'm naked. So get out." Ella said.

"You are naked in that house," I said. "Babe, shh," she said. "It's my room"

"I miss you" she added. "Miss you too"

"Doesn't your shift end in a few?" she asked. She memorized my schedule. "Yeah. I'm clocking out" I said.

"I have to go through. Josie wants my attention" she said. I still get jealous of Josie. "Yeah, she is stealing her from me," I said.

"Sof, stop it. Call me when you get home. Don't forget to fact time before you fall asleep. I like seeing like on the phone together" she said. "It feels like we are long-distance" I laughed.

"We are. Okay bye now. Stay safe" she hung up. Alessandro called me. "Hey" I picked up. "Can you come here? I need to talk to you" he said. I haven't heard his voice, since Valentina went missing. No one has seen him besides his special team.

"Okay," I said. I know it's serious.

After a two-hour drive and I reached his house. I walked in and spotted Ella and Josie cuddled up on the couch. I can't let it get to me. I ran upstairs. I spot a female's room door open. I entered.

He is sitting on the bed. I sat down on a chair. I haven't seen him in three months. "Hey," I said.

"This was her room. She spent most of her time with her nose in a book" He said.

"I don't want to go give up. I'm not getting anywhere. It's been three months" his voice cracked. I haven't heard or seen him cry since he was young.

"If I give up, I will regret it. I lost the one special thing in my life. I knew her for two months, I was starting to get somewhere with her. Our last conversation was when she asked me what she is to me. I didn't know the answer. Now I do and it's too late. " He cried.

He hasn't stared at me yet.

"She was the angel in my life. She warned me that he was toying with my men. I was confident and pushed it to the side. She's gone because of me. Tino convinced himself she is dead. They have this twin thing and they can feel each other's emotions. The first couple of weeks, he would start crying out of nowhere. He would feel like someone smacked him, punched him. These were her feelings. Now it's gone. He doesn't feel anything" he explained.

"Every day, I get sent a video of someone raping her from a nontrackable number. I can't give up, I won't lose hope."

"B-but what if I-I never get to see her again. I told her I would keep her out of danger. I left her right in the middle. I left that night to handle business. I fucking left. She didn't want to me go. I had finally got her to tell me who he was. I had her in my hands. She is my Valentina." He started sobbing.

My eyes watered up. Seeing him care about someone after all these years is good. But he lost her. It's heartbreaking.

"Now all I can is she was my Valentina. I know how her mind works. What if she is still alive and thinks I gave up on her? Tomorrow morning, I will declare worldwide in the mafia. She is missing. My mafia queen is missing. I'm hesitant to do so."

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