Authors Note

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Thank you for taking the time to read escaping lust. It truly gave me the motivation to keep going. There were times when I wanted to stop writing and abandon the narrative, but then I recalled how many of you wanted to read it. So, I went on.

The love tale of Alessandro and Valentina was confusing. You can bet I was confused as well. Some of his behaviors irritated me. It's ironic since I wrote it. It was fascinating to watch her character grow.

I included the following tropes: next-door neighbor, falling in love with my brother's best friend, and enemies to lovers. It was both intriguing and difficult to write, but I did it.

Check out my newer story "The Lost Cause," My writing has improved so much in that story and the plot is way more interesting and funnier. 

A Lil sneak peek: 

I stare at her sleeping. I found it difficult to hold myself together today. I can't have her, she has too much trauma. I can't tie her up and fuck her the way I want to. I can't smack her ass and hear her wince from the pain or wrap my large hands around her throat. It will remind her of abuse. I won't even bring it up to her. BDSM is a sensitive topic. It's like abuse but both partners agree to it. She won't agree to something like that.

I dug her into a deeper hole. I shouldn't have killed that man. I wasn't going to let him roam free either. He causes her pain and tried to take her away. away from me. Once my father finds out, he will curse me. I hope he doesn't make me do anything, I'm not comfortable with.

"would you ever agree to be a submissive for pleasure?" I whisper. "No, you wouldn't. that's basically abuse to you. I can't officially make you mine if you aren't actually mine. how long do I have to wait? I waited a year already," I continue to whisper.

I ran my fingers through her hair. Grazing my fingertips on her scalp. "Sorry, I acted like a dick tonight. I know I made you uncomfortable, I forget I can't always have things the way I want. It's killing me, I'm not used to this. I am trying though, I guess I have to try harder," I kiss her forehead.

"You are mine and I refuse to lose you," 

Until Next Time loves 💝❤️

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