Chaptet 29: Mercy

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Valentina POV

"Mercy....I said mercy" I screamed. I've said mercy more times than I've ever done before. He hasn't stopped. I thought that was the purpose of safe words.

I remember when we first had sex he gave me colors to indicate for him to stop or continue. Would those work now? My body can't take it anymore. It hurts each time I cum. How is he not out of breath yet?

I just know once he is done he will walk out that door. He doesn't do aftercare and I saw the way Josie and Ella looked when they were done with him.

I might look worse since he is mad at me. I can't even lift a muscle or move. Let's see if the color trick will work.

"Vincent look at me" I whispered and he turned his gaze onto me. "Red" I mouthed. "Speak," he said.

"Red" I said out loud and his eyes widened. He stared at me for a second and pulled out of me. Thank god it worked.

He stood up straight and stared at himself in the mirror. What is going on? We make eye contact through the mirror. He seems disgusted either by me or himself.

He takes a towel and wipes his dick off and wipes my cum off of me. He threw the towel on the floor and laid down next to me. I use all the energy I have left to turn over facing him.

He brought his hand up to my cheek caressing it. I know I said earlier I wouldn't apologize for doing what I did, I have to though.

He doesn't see it the way I saw it. To him I chose to do it because I always pick the hard life, when I do it out of kindness.

"I'm sorry. I did it behind your back. I'm not sorry I did it though." I whispered. "I know. I know. I don't know why it hurt knowing you did it. I shouldn't care. I liked the idea of being the only one to pleasure you" he said.

Shit I hurt him. It all makes sense now. He wouldn't act like this at all. I did what I was scared he would do to me. He is the only one who can pleasure me.

"You still are. Nothing changed that. If I had to get drunk to fuck someone that says a lot" I said and he stayed silent.

I remember a couple of days ago he asked what I meant by something different. "Hey, you remember when you asked what I meant by, I get something different from you," I asked.

He nodded "you said our sex was meaningless," he said.

"Well I lied. To me, our sex has a meaning but I can't find it yet. We don't just have sex for fun all the time. It has an unknown meaning and that's what makes it different from others. Those men I slept with meant nothing to me, I don't even remember them" I said.

He moved closer to me. "I'm taking you to the mafia house later. I need your word that you won't leave my side at all times." He said, changing the topic. He doesn't understand and I don't think he ever will.

"Even if I have to pee," I asked. "Yes, even for peeing. If my guards are being messed with, who knows my mafia could be too. My father emailed the uni and told them that you are sick. We have to tell Len, he has a right to know" he said and I shook my head.

The last person I want to know about this is Len. My mom didn't tell him and told me not to. "You have to. He won't look at you any different. You can't keep letting this old man use you. For once, let someone help you." He said pulling me on top of him.

"It will be more heartbreaking to tell him myself. I get what you're saying and you are right. He should hear it from me." I said. Len's reaction to all of this will break me, he's always been there for me when I need him.

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