Chapter 78

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I held my gun up as a line of saviours walked up the hill holding theirs up as well. They all fired and I watched as each and every bullet ricochet back at them. They all dropped their guns, some of them falling down to the ground and others grasping onto their hands.

"NOW." Dad hollered. I sprinted forward holding my gun high shooting every single saviour that made a move for their gun in front of me. Negan began sprinting and I watched as Dad followed him. The rest of our group pushed forward until the last group of saviours remained holding their arms up. "Don't shoot, please, we're done. It's over." A girl with blonde hair pulled back into a bun begged us, getting down onto her knees. I watched as everyone behind her did the same thing.

Maggie pushed past me and I followed her to where Dad was standing on top of Negan. I watched as he dragged a piece of glass through Negans throat and he collapsed onto the ground holding onto his neck.

I took a few steps back running into Daryl who gave me a small nod. Dad threw his arm up, "save him." My eyes widened, "you're keeping him alive?" I watched as Maggie lunged forward, "NO. NO HE CANT. NO HE KILLED GLENN." Dad looked down, "we have to." Maggie shook her head and Michonne was now holding her back, "WE HAVE TO. RICK. WE HAVE TO MAKE IT RIGHT. NO. ITS NOT OVER, UNTIL HE IS DEAD." I turned around looking away from her, "it's over Leah," Daryl whispered. I nodded looking back as Dad began talking to the saviours. "The ones who have them up, put your hands down. We're all going home now. Negans alive, but his way of doing things is over. And anyone who can't live with that will pay the price, any person here who would live in peace and fairness this world is yours. THOSE ARE OUR ENEMIES." Dad yelled pointing at the herd. "They're coming for us, unless we stand together, so go home, and then the work begins, our new world begins. There's gotta be something after."

I watched as Dad began walking to the tree where Negan was just carried from. "It's over Dad," I whispered. "You made sure there was something after." He turned to look up at me, "sit down, just sit with me for a minute."

I did as he said leaning my back against his chest, "thank you, for always doing the right thing Dad." He put his arms around me, "thank you for always following me, even when you don't think it's the right thing."

He stood up after a couple more minutes, "give me your hand." I did as he said, "we're gonna take a walk, just like the ones Carl remembered." I squeezed his hand, "alright."


After the fight a few months had passed, Dad was doing everything he could to make Carl's vision came true. Even the part where he grew himself another beard.

I woke up slowly pushing myself off of my bed meeting Michonne and Judith outside sitting down against the house watching as they painted. "What are you painting?" I asked. Dad stepped out also curious and Judith spun around, "it's me, mommy, auntie maggie, sissy and daddy. You get a grumpy little face." Dad smiled, "you're doing a grumpy face?" Michonne smiled back, "he has a happy face too." Judith nodded, "does leah have a happy face?" I watched as they all turned to look at me and I gave her a small smile. "I'm going to give Daddy a big tummy."

This made me laugh looking up at dad who knelt down to tickle me. "Are you saying your daddy has a big tummy too Leah?" I tried to push him away laughing hysterically. I gasped for breath when he stopped accepting his hand when he pulled me up. "You all ready for our walk?" Michonne picked Judith up and I walked alongside Dad as we left the gates walking into the field. A flock of crows shot up into the sky and I watched as a huge smile came over Judith's face.

"Do me a favour Leah." Dad whispered on our way back. "Stay home with Judith today. We're going out, meeting with the other groups." I looked at him, "I guess I can. You don't want me to come?" He sighed, "I just don't want Negan left here alone, that's all."
I bit my lip, "fine." He stopped walking pulling me into a hug, "you forgot to give me one this morning." I smiled hugging him back, "I love you for both Carl and I."

Leah GrimesWhere stories live. Discover now