Chapter 83

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We began walking back together looking for them and I saw a girl from Oceanside face down on the forest ground. Cyndie knelt down helping her up, and I found a knife on the ground, "they took Arat."

Dad sighed, "let's get back to camp, we'll come up with a plan there." When the tents came back into view I sat down on a log letting them plan whatever they wanted. I stood up as Dad came out, "we already have our teams. Stay here keep the peace. You're the only one I trust enough to do that."

I sighed, "I can't come with you?" He shook his head putting his arms around me, "I love you." I sighed, "I love you too, be careful."

I sat back down on my log moving over as Alden came and sat beside me. "How you feeling?" I looked at him, "I'm fine." He handed me a plate, "sorry you and your dad had to rush back." I shrugged, "I wasn't planning on staying the day anyway. That was his idea, a fun family day." Alden laughed, "I bet that was right up your alley." I rolled my eyes, "It sure was." The sun went down and I curled my knees up to my chest. "You worried about them?" I nodded, "I'm always worried. That's why I wish Dad wouldn't have those moments where he wants me to stay back." Alden smiled, "it's probably because you have had a few close calls with death." I scoffed, "hasn't everyone by now?"

We sat out most of the night together, until I heard Dad and Carols voices. "Saviours pack your things, it's over here." I walked over to Dad, "you're sending them home?" He nodded, "our people, they aren't ready to work together." I watched as the saviours filed out, letting out a sigh. "It will all work out Leah." I looked around, "do you hear that?" He stopped talking listening in the background, "is that the river?"

I followed behind him as we made our way to the bridge. The once calm water was now rushing slamming against our bridge supports. "How long will it hold?" Dad dropped his arms at his side, looking out at it disappointed. I leaned my head against his side, "you'll find another way." I felt him wrap his arm tightly around me, "I don't know what to do now." I nodded, "I really wanted the bridge to work." Dad grabbed put his arm on my shoulder, pulling us back. "We'll figure it out, you're right."

As we got back to camp I looked up as Jerry rode over to us. "I got a message for you Rick. Maggie's on her way to Alexandria, and you're supposed to know what that means." Dad grabbed his walkie, "Maggie let's talk." When there was no answer Dad started towards his horse, and I sighed realizing Maggie was going to kill Negan. "Hey. I'll take you. Hop on." Daryl answered.

Dad nodded, "you sure? Got enough fuel?" Daryl got on his bike, "we'll get there quicker." I quickly hugged Dad, "make sure she's alright Dad. I love you, enough for me and Carl." Dad kissed my forehead, "I love you too Leah."

I watched as they rode away, sitting down against a tree. "What's going on?" Carol asked sitting beside me. "Maggie's going to Alexandria, they're trying to stop her before she gets to Negan." Carol nodded, "do you want them to stop her?" I took a deep breath, "I know a piece of Carl is in me, and that part doesn't want her to kill him. But me, I want him dead more than anything." She sighed, "Henry talks about you, an awful lot." I leaned my head against the tree, "I think about him a lot. I still think about Benjamin a lot." Carol smiled, "Henry calls me his mom now, and the King his father. At first I hated it, it reminded me of how I failed Sophia as a mother. Do you ever think about her?" I sighed, "I think about everyone I lost, about everyone who meant something to me and then I remember how they were all ripped away."

She nodded, "I know what you mean." I gave her a small smile, "I wish she were still here, she could've grown up with us. I would've liked that a lot." Carol agreed, "I would've too. But I'm also glad that she never had to go through anything that you did. Maybe she would've been strong enough to get through it all, but it's not likely." I sighed, "I promised her that I'd protect her. That same day is when I lost her." Carol put a hand on my shoulder, "you were just a little girl then." I closed my eyes, "I still feel like one. Anytime Dad leaves I can't relax, not until he's back." She smiled, "after everything you've lost just recently that's normal, Ricks not going anywhere, not when you're still around."

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