Chapter 4

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Blake- Achlys Huxley

,, No one is leading me. ,, and with that sentence she was gone. It had been the night were the girl with her yellow bag had ran into me at midnight.

I stood there not knowing what to do, say or think. Did she really just fucking say that?! Confident for such a tiny person.

I had been surprised to see a girl like her walking around the streets at such a time, carrying alcohol bottles around. But with her yellow backpack she was not to be overlooked. Of course I had recognized the bruise across her face but that was non of my business. She was probably dumb enough to be in a toxic relationship with some prick but at the same time she looked really smart to me. But honestly, I didn't care. I was just interested in what kind of person she was after she wouldn't give me the seat in class. No one had ever done that before, no one ever dared.

My phone rang- of course. ,, What the fuck is now? ,, I muttured as an answer.

,, Good to hear from you too Huxley. ,, the voice said and I rolled my eyes.

,, Smith- what's wrong? Why are you fucking calling me? Is it important because it better be-,, I hissed and walked into a dark isolated path.

,, We have a problem. ,, he answered with worry in his tone which made me nearly go insane.

,, Spit it out, idiot. I don't have time for your dramatic ass behaviour. ,, I pushed.

,, They took Mason- we couldn't do anything. They just took him. ,, he explained and I furrowed my eyes.

,, Mason who? ,, I had no idea who he was talking about. There were so many people, I didn't give a fuck about names, they just had to do their work right.

,, Mason Kane- Blake, are you fucking serious right now?! They took your sidekick! He could make a mistake and betray us, isn't that clear?! ,, the young man was shouting now.

,, Don't ever call me by my first name- I'm not a friend to you, I'm your boss. Don't miss your place! ,, I said with coldness in my voice.

,, Yeah boss. ,, he mumbled immediatly and I nodded.

,, So Mason Kane, right? He was unimportant anyways, if they're going to kill him, it's fine. He should have watched out for himself more. We don't need him anymore. ,, I shrugged and took a deep drag from my cigarret before throwing it on the ground somewhere into the dark.

,, But- we can't just let them torture him! ,, the voice said shocked.

,, Yes we can. He stole from us anyways- and don't panic, the fuck, he wont open his mouth. I got him in my hands- and he knows that pretty well. ,, I smiled and slowly wipped forth and back while leaning against a cold brick wall.

,, So- we are just going to let them kill him? Because they will, they connected us and damn- he already looked gone. ,, the voice mumbled insecure.

,, Then he's probably dead already and if not he will be in less than twelve hours. His time seems to be up. So- if you ever fucking call me again because of such a waste of time, I'll make sure that you wont see the fucking  sunlight again. ,, I warned him before I hung up. Such a bastard-

I continued walking down the dark path until I got to an old building that was hidden behind the obstructed sight. It was an empty computershop, where old tv's and broken tables were left behind. The glass was broken and the door half-opened, those who'd hoped to find something useful here had been bitterly dissappointed and some had taken the old crap and brought it back after realising that it was completely useless. But breaking in and out had made the building become more of a ruin than a shut down shop. Perfect for those who knew how to stay invisible from the siren's sound and the warning lights. I waited patiently until another shadow appeared next to me.

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