Chapter 41

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Maia-Jane Miller

,, And why not? ,, a whisper to my ear and I jumped and shot around to find Blake suddenly standing behind me with a smirk on his face.

,, Don't scare me like that! ,, I scowled at him and he backed away with a chuckle. ,, Because you are rude, mean, arrogant, rich- ,,

,, Rich? ,, he raised his eyebrows with a mocking glare.

,, Rich ,, I glared at him ,, I don't like the rich. ,,

,, What have the rich done to you? ,, he asked and I shoved him away to stomp down the stairs.

,, They let people suffer, people who have nothing. ,, I replied and he crossed his arms.

,, Not all the richs are. ,, he stated.

,, Whatever ,, I waved off and felt him following me down the stairs.

,, I am going to show you more of the rich now, because I can not stand you having all these prejudices. ,, he shook his head and without asking for permission he grabbed after my hand and pulled me out of the room but not without shutting the massive door behind us.

I wondered what he really did for living to own such a mansion. Because his wry stupid unfunny jokes about being in the mafia was just not it. I mean I've heared crazy things before but this? Nope, I would not buy it. I was not stupid and he could go tell somebody else how he was in the mafia, I did not believe in such absurdity.

,, Don't try too hard, honey. ,, I muttured and he looked over his shoulder with a mysterious smirk.

I was now being pulled away from the library and stretched my hand out after it. A quiete whine escaped my lips ,, Noo- ,, I mumbled overdramatically and heared his bright laughter in front of me.

,, You will get the chance to spend the rest of your day in there, if you'd like. But for now, we must continue the tour. ,, he said with a lord's seriousness that was just painted on. He smirked at me as soon as I rolled my eyes.

,, You are just keen about the truth you are looking for in me. ,, I said in boredom and he chuckled.

,, One. I am keen about one. ,, he corrected ,, For now. ,,

For now.

Noisy little thing.

As we passed the floor where the library was located another door fell in the corner of my eyes, it was located opposite the library. The heavy woodened door was shut and I couldn't peer inside. ,, What kind of room is that? ,, I asked and nodded toward it. Blake paused for a moment before he replied.

,, My office ,,

I snickered ,, For what do you have an office? Your mafia things? ,, I tried not to laugh at him but he was making it really hard for me with the seriousness of his eyes that peered down at me.

,, Exactly ,, he nodded siftly ,, And now shut that pretty mouth of yours and follow me. ,, he said and tugged on my hand again. I glared at him but he had already taken his gaze off of me. I wondered why I still let him hold my hand, but I didn't dare pull away.

He led us out of the floor until we reached the staircase again. Before I could dscide where I wanted to go he had already started to move and pulled me gently after him. We now walked forward, not to the right side, where another long floor stretched out but forward. Opposite the end of the staircase was a third floor and he tugged me toward it. I obeyed and followed quietly. There weren't any paintings nor pictures on the walls this time, everything was blank, empty and white. There were two doors on each side of the floor but he didn't think about opening one, instead he continued pulling me after him, moving forward without stopping once.

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