Chapter 70

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Blake-Achlys Huxley

I blinked against the sunlight that got entangled in my eyelashes and shielded my eyes with my hand. My room lied quietly in the morning sun and the white blanket that was half draped over my body lied ever so untouched there. I blinked once, twice and then I slowly looked to my right side where Maia lied.

Or, where she had lied. Blank. The spot beside me was empty and cold. As if she'd never been beside me, as if she'd just been a ghost who fainted with the rising sun. I was immeditaly shook awake and looked around my whole room, touched the cold space beside me because maybe I was still dreaming. Maybe I was too exhausted, my head felt heavy from all the crying of tonight and my eyes stung. But she was not here, not anymore. It was only my breathing between the morning dust and chirping birds.

,, Maia? ,, I asked into the empty room. ,, Maia! ,, I then said louder and rushed up and out of bed. My blanket still half wrapped around my torso, I ripped it off of my body and immediatly felt the cold breeze catch my naked legs. The window on the right side of my dark room was wide open and the dark curtains swept in the wind that rustled through my chamber.

I ripped the door to my room open and stumbled out of it. I called her name and checked her room but it was empty. The library was empty as well. So were the gardens and the balcony. I left the balcony doors open as I hurried back down the hallway and toward the staircase that split the three opposite directions of the mansion apart.

,, Dillon? Nicolas? ,, I called loudly as my bare feet brought me downstaires. My coat was gone. I immediatly saw the empty armchair that stood cosily and forgotten beside the staircase on an old carpet. A cold creeped down my neck and I burst through the entrance doors of the house. My car was gone.

Panic rised way too fast and I ran back inside, not caring to close that door as well. ,, Dillon? For fuck's sake where are all of you?! ,, I yelled a bit louder. I hated being alone. She had told me she wouldn't leave. And now she was gone. Gone. Again.

Dillon's head suddenly stuck out of the kitchen and he looked irritated at me ,, Blake- what's wrong? Why are you yelling through the whole mansion? ,, he asked and slowly slipped through the door. His curls bounced up and down while he shifted toward me, I stood panting in the middle of the hall. He gave me a look that showed worry in it.

,, Maia- ,, I said and something flickered in his eyes ,, I can't find her. ,, I looked at him ,, Have you seen her? Did she go somewhere with Nic? I can't find him either. ,,

,, Nicolas drove to his own place. He said he needed a few things. He'll be back in a few hours. ,, Dillon told me and I nodded and then shook my head.

,, And Maia? She's gone. Have you seen her? ,, I asked again and he stayed silent, his intelligent eyes calmly on me ,, Dillon- ,, I urged because he knew something. ,, Have you seen Maia today? ,,

,, She was in a rush this morning. ,, he said after some uncomfortable silence between the two of us and drew a hand through his hair ,, I have no idea where she went off to, Blake ,,

,, Why didn't you stop her? ,, my voice was louder and he raised his eyebrows at me in surprise.

,, I am surely not going to stop that girl. ,, he shook his head ,, And we should never dare to. I think she's been stopped often enough in her life. Maia has her reasons. She'll come back. ,, he shrugged and I could rip his head off of his shoulders. Because how the hell could he be so calm, so unbothered? We were being hunted and Maia seemed to have left.

,, What the fuck, Jones! ,, I now yelled but he didn't even flinch ,, What makes you think that? What if they get her?! ,, how could he've been so stupid, so careless.

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