Chapter 8

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Maia-Jane Miller

,, How was it? ,, Anna immediatly asked as I walked into art class and sat beside her., my mood was definitely gone for today.

,, I have to be more social. ,, I mimiced his words and she rolled her eyes.

If I would want to be social I would be, but I simply didn't want to hang out with people and get to know them. I wanted friends but was just not ready to make the first step, or any steps at all. Was it not enough that I went to school everyday?

Why did the teachers want me to be more participating in their oral sessions? I wasn't skippin and listening, just because I didn't make the bother to lift my arm up to say something didn't mean that I had no afterlife when school ended. But that was exactly what every teacher seemed to think of me. So to my super luck, I got to sit in the principal's office for one whole hour and heared him talk about how important this school year was for my degree and that hiding behind my notes didn't help my notes at all. He had tried to be patient with me but I didn't make it easy for him since all my answers to any more social school events were simple no's.

He treated me like a dumb thirteen year old girl who didn't understand what was expected from her and it pissed me off. I was fucking seventeen and not five, he could shove his annoying behaviour up his-

Okay, Maia- calm down, I usually ignored what people said to me but I hated when they tried to get into my private life, it was not their business. I could descide for myself the way I could take care of myself. I didn't need anyone trying to get into my brain with their adult kind. Telling me to be more open with people and to gain more confidence in front of others was getting in my privacy and did not accept that at all. If anyone would try that, all my sympathy would roll down the road and never come back. I had no mercy or patience for others when it came to judge me and that was quiet a disgrace. But no one had the right to talk my way of living down if he or she had never been a part of it.

,, It's non of his business to tell you how to live your life ,, Anna told me and I nodded in agreement.

,, I told him the same but he didn't listen. ,, I sighted and rubbed my eyes that didn't get much sleep, the reason was work, like always.

,, And what was the result from all of this? ,, she asked and her attention was fully given to me.

,, I have to help with the food destribution next week. ,, I closed my eyes and shook my head.

,, I hate adults so much! ,, Anna groaned and a petit smile reached my lips. I really liked her being, it seemed like she was my opinion and that didn't make me feel so alone with my attitude.

,, Who doesn't? ,, came back as my answer and she gave me a helpless shrug before turning back to her painting.

,, It's always a pleasure, hearing how students think of us. ,, Mrs. Jones, our art teacher, said and suddenly appeared behind us.

,, We didn't say names. ,, Anna defended us and our teacher just shook her head.

,, As good as you can paint dear Anna, your vocabulary is a shame. ,, Mrs. Jones said before walking away, to stalk other student's pictures.

,, As good as you can paint Anna, your vocabulary is a shame. ,, Anna aped annoyed and rolled her eyes while I began to chuckle. ,, Ugh, shut up Maia. ,, she grinned and hit my arm playfully.

I shook my head and tried to stop my chuckles by focusing back on the ugly painting I had created. I've never seen something more horrifying before but inspecting my own, how do you call it- art, the only thing I could tell was that it remembered me of a battlefield between all the colours I had clapped on each other. My hands really had no knowledge about any kind of art but to my beyond surprise appeared it as something gorgeous and completely talented to every art teacher that would look at it. I'd seen it with Mike's, I think that was his name, picture which turned out looking like a massacre but still got framed and put up on one of our art room walls. On top of that he was allowed to give it a name, til today, I never glanced at it anymore while others stood stunned in front of it and eyed it like it was made by Picasso.

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