Chapter 9

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Blake-Achlys Huxley

My feet dangled from the edge of the tall building's roof.

Calmly, I let my eyes wander over the city, watching the many carlights and individual people who seemed to be on their way to overcrowded bars or flickering noisy discos, booming with loud music from the inside of their doors. They could also go home or a night shift, what did I know.

I knew, the position I was currently in didn't seem very trustworthy but I was not suicidal. The thought of the overview of the city that was so alive at midnight, gave me chills. Everything seemed to have woken up and out of the constant daylight trance. But thinking about everything that had nothing to do with my own life was so much better than beating myself with shitty reality.

The weather was dangerously cold and I was lucky to never get sick, with whatever reason. The white t-shirt on my upper body blew in the wind that was stronger up here. The tight black jeans let the cold in which seemed to eat all my body heat and leave me with numb muscles and blue lips. My feet weren't able to be felt anymore and I smiled as I closed my eyes and tilted my head up to the pitch black sky.

Of course, freezing was nothing to amuse yourself with, it was a pathetic feeling and some people drowned themselves in self-pity when they freezed unnormally. But you could enjoy it, the cold made you shiver uncontrollably and even though I was badly freezing it felt liberating and I wished, it would last for a while.

,, Do you have a fucking death-wish?! ,, Nicolas barked out of nowhere and I opened my eyes in annoyance.

As soon as I heared the door to the roof fall shut I knew that he was coming straight up to me. Instead of answering, I closed my eyes again and breahted calmly. Death wouldn't do me any good even if it didn't bother me. Listen, I am not excited about dying, I'm just not scared of it either.

,, Blake, for the love of whatever you believe in, please get away from the edge. ,, Nicolas voice rang out the night.

,, Sit with me for a second. ,, I suggested and turned my head in his direction, he was standing beside me, four steps away from the risk. ,, It's a really good view. ,,

,, I have a pretty good view further away too, thank you. Now please get up. ,, he shook his head and I sighted before pulling up my legs and jumped into a straight position. Before I could lift my eyes to look at him and smirk, his strong hands reached my shirt and he pulled me forcefully away from my place. ,, I said please. ,, he explained shortly and dropped his hands out of their grip.

,, Calm down, I wasn't going to make a joke and fake-jump or something. ,, I shrugged and smoothed out my shirt. ,, Now look at that- ,, I mentioned at it. ,, It got wrinkles now! You got a great hold. ,, I grinned and he looked away from me.

,, We have to talk ,, he replied instead and still didn't make eyecontact. That could only mean, I needed patience and time for his coming speech.

,, Then talk. ,, I nodded and sat on the cold ground, one leg stretched out and the other pulled up, first he remained in stand.

Nicolas breathed in sharply and let the air flee from his lungs before he sat down beside me and shuffled a bit. I let him take his time before he felt fully ready to talk. I knew this guy and if anyone would push him to do something he would shut down. But I knew that something bothered him, more than he liked. Nicolas was too weak sometimes for his own disadvantages, I always tried to force that out of him but he refused. ,, At least I want to stay a little human ,, were his constant answers and I couldn't help his way of thinking, so I dropped it.

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