Chapter 46

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Blake-Achlys Huxley

Because they do

Because they do

Because they do

I was currently in London, to do what I had to do as a Duke. Even though since I took over and pushed my father off his throne and things had changed, like the ceremony with killing their wifes or a beloved one to prove their powers, there were still things I was expected to do. Today was training and Jones already waited for me in the ring. Even though we nearly found what I've been chasing after for years, even though I pulled MrMcKay out of the way and had a nice littel chat with him a week ago, even though I should focus and concentrate, my mind slipped back to the words she had said to me two days ago. It fucked with my head. She fucked with my head.

I was on the tenth floor of the building that served as a training area for my men and women. I wrapped my hands in bandaged and stepped into the biggest ring in my private training room. I was wearing my black jeans and shirtless. There wouldn't be any kits id we would go against Alaister, I leanred to fight in  normal and inappropiate clothes. I was trained the hardest, my father had taken care of that when I became a teenager and still ruled, what was now my position. I rubbed my hands against each other and stood oppsotite Jones who was already attempting me.

,, So stiff these past days ,, he commented and we started to go in slow circles. ,, What messes with that head of yours? ,,

,, Non of your business ,, I replied and he chuckled.

,, You know, our enemies will have easy play if they see you wrapped up in your head, occupied by some chick that's gotten into it. ,, he mentioned for me to attack but I refused and so he smirked in amusement and we continued our circles.

,, No one's got me wrapped arounf their finger ,, I snarled ,, I'm all mine. Now attack. ,,

,, Why not you attack? ,, he asked mack in a michivious grin and I growled. Prick.

,, Because if Alaister ever dares to be face-to-face with me, I will not attack first. If he'll start the fight, he'll be the accuser, not me. He'll be the one to blame if his fellows come to rescue him and make me the villain. ,, I told him and he nodded. ,, Now, attack. ,,

And he did. He lunged forth and tried to punsh me. I bowed and twisted and turned. He swayed his fists again, and I held them tightly in my hands before they stroke my face. he smiled at me cruely and I returned it before I pushed him back roughtly that his back it the edge of the ring. He hissed in a chukle and shook it off. Then he attacked again, he grabbed my neck and wrapped his arm around it, trying to bring me down. But I never fell. I was a Duke after all. I never lost. I always won- and so I wrapped my left leg around his left and stroke the back of his knee. He buckled immediatly and went to the ground. I grabbed his arm around my neck and pulled it away.

,, Get up ,, I demanded and he did. ,, Again ,,

This time he put more force into his punshes and pulls. He tried to get me to the corner and I gave him a wicked smile before I twirled out of the cage, he wanted to see me in. He laughed behind me ,, You'll never get tired of doing it, will you? ,, he commented and I smiled over my shoulder evilly.

,, Never ,, I answered but he was already at my back and lunged for me. I couldn't react fast enough and found myself being pressed to the ground.

,, Rule number one. ,, Jones grinned over my shoulder, as my face was pressed to the floor and I growned ,, Never turn your back to your enemy. And rule number two. Don't let them flatter you, they'll use it as a second to attack you. ,, he let go of me and I hissed in disapproval.

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