Chapter 54

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Maia-Jane Miller

School grew more important in the coming weeks. Blake, I and the others were busy and wrapped up in almost the final exams and practise that we didn't meet for two weeks. While I remained at Blake's house with him, we both spent our seperate time and just met for lunch, dinner and testing each other for our upcoming tests.

We did not speak about my words again, did not speak about his or what happened. It was as if both of us knew that it was easier to act as if everything was forgotten and never happend than to make a big deal out of it. Chloe and I sometimes met in a café and just ate breakfast together at the weekends or talked about her future plans and her relationship with Dillon. Anna and i only saw each other in school but she had been sick for the last week and we texted or called instead.

Sometimes Blake disappeared for a few days and when he came back the house felt more silent and heavier. He neve said where he went or what he did but I was sure it had something to do with London and his mafia. It was not my business and I did not want to know anything about it. It made me feel guilty in some ways, to know about his position and what he was capable of. I should be scared of him and it scared me that I wasn't. Not even a bit.

One day he asked me if I wanted to see something. A private spot he used to go to. First I was not sure if I should agree because I did not want to show him anythin more that would attach him further. I just wanted him to keep himself safe, to not trust everyone. But he looked so hopefilled that I only nodded my head. We had been sitting in the kitchen on a Friday and ate lunch together. He han't been here all week and came back yesterday. He always used to knock at my door and tell me he was back if I wasn't sitting in the kitchen or in the back garden. Because this guy owned a garden as well. I usually looked for a good reading spot and lied down on the grass.

Now we were somewhere in the middle of nowhere, his car parked beside us and all I saw was a wood in front of us and fields behind us. Yes, he'd driven us through some fields and I was sure that it was illegal. I raised my eyebrows and looked at him ,, Are you planning to bring me to the woods and leave me there? ,, I asked him and he rolled his eyes.

,, If you start asking stupid questions I'll maybe think about it as an option ,, a smirk and a grown of my own before he pulled me by my arm which were crossed in front of my chest and pulled me with him toward the green sea of trees and plants and the unknown.

It would happen, I would get murdered by some creep in the woods today. When he pulled me after him I tried to memorize my environment, just in case I would have to run for dear life ,, I do not want to know what you did in your freetime, to end up here ,, I told him as we hurried deeper into the woods.

,, Oh you don't even want to know ,, he smiled over his shoulders, a cocky smile and I lifted my free hand up to shove his face forward again.

,, How did you find this place? ,, I tried not to trip over a root that sticked out of the ground as I asked him.

,, I was outside often, as a kid. Kind of sometimes lost myself in the woods or fields. Always found my way back. But I found a spot here, years ago. I never showed it to anyone ,, he explained and a shiver went down my spine. You are my comfort Maia. I shoved the words to the very back of my head and tried to ignore the trust he just put in me. ,, What have you done as a kid? Where were your secret spots? ,,

,, As a kid, I hid in my bedroom to not endure my parents yelling at each other ,, was all I replied and his movements stilled for a moment. He turned around and looked at me.

,, I whish you could have had a better childhood. ,, he said to me and lifted my chin a bit.

,, Not everything was bad. I have good memories too. ,, I shrugged ,, Now show me that place you're talking about or I might think you are here to murder me ,, Another grin and then he pulled me with him again.

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