Chapter 35

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Maia-Jane Miller

,, Blake, I'd suggest us playing a different song this time. ,, Nicolas said and rubbed his forehead tiredly.

,, No ,,

,, I can not even think about playing it on my guitar for one more time! ,, Nicolas groaned and tugged on his hair. ,, I will quit if you make us play it again. ,,

,, Fine ,, Blake shrugged.

,, Finally ,, he sighted.

,, If you want to leave, fine. ,, Blake corrected himself and Nicolas cursed under his breath.

Anna, Chloe and I all sat in front of the stage at the tabls and were making our homework while the guys had their band sessions. Anna rolled her eyes beside me and Chloe giggled quietly. An amused expression lied over my face and I eyed Dillon who sat bored in front of his drums. We often visited them after school ended, did our homework here, had tea or coffee Anna ususally got from the café down the street and listened to them play. Today was one of thos days where they argued again and I liked those days way more than the others. After we collected Chloe from her math class two hours ago, I forced her to explain me the formulas I didn't understand.

,, Let this poor girl alone, Maia! ,, Anna complained and groaned. ,, You do not need her help in these tasks and you know it. ,,

,, Hush, I want to be educated. That's the difference between us. ,, I waved her off and she snorted beside me.

,, Shut up, stupid. ,, she mumbled and I smirked at her. Her eyes left the book she was currently rading and watched the guys argue for one more second. ,, Alright boys! ,, she clapped in her hands ,, How about both of you shut your mouths for a minute, will you? It's hard to bear here! ,, she sighted dramatically. ,, Blake sweetie, stop being an ignorant bitch and let your bandmates be a part of the band. If I would be the guitarist I would have slapped my guitar across your annoying face by now if you would have shooed me around like some servant. ,, she closed the book in her hands. Blake stared at her and she just shrugged unbotheredly.

,, Do not advise me how to rule my music sessions, Brone. ,, he said coldly.

,, Whatever makes you sleep at night. ,, she yawned and I tightened my lips to a thin line to not laugh. ,, Your party songs are boring and sucked off. ,,

,, We don't only sing party songs here. ,, Dillon commented. ,, We also write songs and sing pop or whatever people wanna hear. ,,

,, Then try to sing a self-written song for once. It would be something new and fresh. I'm falling asleep over here, if you'll play one more party song. ,, she leaned back in her chair and crossed her feet over the table.

,, Why don't you sing with Maia? ,, Chloe asked excitedly and looked forth and back between me and the boys.

,, I don't sing- anymore. ,, I said and smiled at her apologetically. ,, I'm no part of the band. ,,

,, Then become one again. ,, she raised her eyebrows and I shook my head.

,, No need ,, I replied and bent over my english homework again.

I would not go back and form a band with them. Blake was the worst band mate ever and all he did was control and complain. I liked him more without the band, he was bearable if it wasn't about it. And non of them put any effort in wanting me back, they didn't need me. It would be weird, they had been a band before I came and they could continue being one without me as well. I didn't make music. Although I wanted to.

Music had always been something that calmed me down and freed my mind. But a free mind is unaware and joyful, a free mind will cause problems and vulnerabilities. I could not let myself fall into music, I had other things to do. I. Could. Not.

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