Chapter 56

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Maia-Jane Miller

,, Here's your room ,, Benjamin said to me and opened a large door right in front of us. ,, Make yourself home ,,

I looked at him ,, This will never be my home ,, was all I replied before stepping inside the huge bedroom.

I had a cell pictured, a dark room where I would be kept and locked until I'd die because of claustrophobia. But this room looked like taken out of a castle. The large canopy bed in the middle of it almost consumed half of the room and there stood a wardrobe right beside the door where I stood in. The floor wasn't made out of carpet but marple floors, I narrowed my eyes at each corner of the room for hidden cameras. I would not set foot into that chamber if I would be watched. There was one window, one huge window right on the left windowside of the bed and I hurried over to it.

I didn't rip the curtains away like in every movie scene, I peaked out of the little slit and there was no gitter in front of it, I would have gone mad. When I loked down I swallowed, I would definitely not be able to just jump out the window like I had done back in my father's house because we were on the second floor of this mansion somewhere outside London but not in my hometwon where i went to highschool. When they pushed me into that car in the woods and tied my hands and shielded my eyes I thought they would kill me. During the whole car ride Benjamin talked about this sickened wedding that would never happen in real life as long as I lived while I tried not to listen to his voice.

All I thougth about was Blake, tied to that fuckign tree, hurt, wounded, bleeding. I hoped he was okay, I knew he would be okay by now. He had to be because he promised me. My head was telling me Blake is fine Blake is fine Blake is fine. I still had no idea how I would survive three weeks with his brother. I had memorized the last sentence he'd said to Blake in the woods and I would have scratched his tongue out of his mouth with my fingernails only if he would have given me the chance to. How did I ever go out with this guy? I shook myself in disgust at the thougth of it.

,, Do you not like it? ,, his voice asked from behind and I forced a smile up on my face.

,, No- I do. It's beautiful ,, I gave him a smile and wanted to vomit all over these floors as he smiled back.

,, I had it made just for you ,, oh my lord-

,, This will never feel like a home to me, Benjamin ,, i told him warningly calm ,, Because it isn't. My home is not here, and it will never be. I am here because you practically forced the desicion up on me and I had no choice. ,, I stepped away from the window and looked at him.

,, Well do you even have a home, Maia? ,, he asked in a snarl ,, I don't think I ever heared you call a place your home. And you are to become my wife in only three weeks, so befriend yourself with this chamber. It is and will stay your home for the next few weeks and months afterward. ,,

,, I'm eighteen, Benjamin! ,, I hissed at him ,, I do not want to marry anyone. I want to go to school, be a fucking teenager and live life. I will not live up to your sick thoughts. ,,

,, You will have to Maia dear- ,, he said with an unbothered expression ,, And now get some rest. There will be a weddign dress planner tomorrow looking out for you and me. Be ready ,, he was about to snap the door shut when i called out for him again.

,, Why me? ,, I wanted to know ,, Why did you chose me? Why do you want to marry me so desperately? ,, I did not want him to see me in any weddign dresses, I did not want anyone else dressing me adn seeing me half-naked in undergarments. I panicked by thoughts to that only.

,, Because you are the only thing he desires, the only person he wants and the only person who seems to bring him happiness. Because he loves you. Because he gets every-fucking thing he wants and this time, want things too. I want to marry you because it will break him finally and Draven Duke, the so known mafia leader, will go down to his knees and rip his whole kingdom with him, Blake-Achlys Huxley will no longer be strong enough to hide and then we'll attack. He's weak for love, that's why he's so broken. But I want him to shatter. ,, Benjamin smiled satisfied at me ,, And the only thing I need for that is you ,,

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