Chapter 23

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Maia-Jane Miller

The Wraiths- what a hilarious name for a band, I stood in the door and watched them play their songs. I had been in the band for only a few months but had never wondered about their name, had never put any effort in finding out as well. Now I knew that they were the Wraiths. On the inside I cackled and on the outside I just watched them, with crossed arms, leaned against the doorframe. They were good I had to admit, really good I had to relaize soon just like Chloe who now smiled at them, or maybe just smiled at the curly haired, while she talked to some of her guests. She had to be relieved to see that she hadn't given the entertainment to some hopeless freaks and I was relieved that Blake had pulled his shit together, he simply seemed to be used to get high until his brain wasn't functioning anymore and then played like it was nothing. It was not that I actually cared for this guy, I just coudn't bear the second hand embarrassmment I'd have gotten if they would have messed up.

Chloe's house was huge, not my taste but still quite breathtaking. It looked much like the piece of a castle on the inside than a place where normal people lived in. The expensive paintings on almost every wall scared the shit out of me, half naked people ate fruits that got served on silver plates and I tried to avoid to look at any of them. Pictures with simple landscapes or just abstract art would have been an option as well. Now I felt as if my feet walked along the halls of Versailles and I definitely was not worthy of it. The own surprisement of myself still sat in my bones because I didn't think to be here right now, yet I stood here at a birthday party and didn't know what to do with myself- I had never been to birthday parties before. Should I've gotten her a present? Flowers? A card? No, I knew her too less for that- had been my excuse.

In the front rope were girls screaming with the music while they trew handkisses and flirtious smiles towards the boys. I shook my head and watched the whole scene in front of me, glitter and confetti was falling from the ceilings but I think they simply were filled up in the chandeliers in some ways and now rained down on us. A few heads got thrown back with amused smiles on their lips and closed eyes while the colorful dust trickled from everywhere. Hands were thrown in the air an moved with the music, bodies swung softly with their rhythm and everyone seemed to have a great time. Blake's voice busted through the whole room while his bloodshot eyes watched the crowd with a satisfied grin on his face. He loved it, didn't he? The attention, the hungry looks and just pure hype. Blake was so full of himself that he forgot all his ugly sides that showed when he spilled them out. That was why I hated him, he simply wanted me to hate him because he had realized that I didn't admire him like the other girls did. I saw nothing in him and that bothered him. Dillon on the other hand was too focused on his drums but actually avoided any kind of eyecontact and Nicolas was just Nicolas, he laughed happily what couldn't be heared- just seen because every little sound got drowned from the buzzing of song lines and the, in tattoos soaked, young man.

I actually just wanted to leave. All these people looked so posh and rich while I didn't fit in. I looked like the girl down the street at the end of the bright village. My worn out converse said it all, while I felt uncomfortable in the black dress and shifted in it. I had been fine 'til the moment Chloe had pushed me upstairs and into her room because she couldn't "bear" that I hadn't dressed up in any way. Now I was clothed in one of her black drappy mini dresses which had those spaghetti straps that made me feel more naked than I already was. To my luck I had been able to refuse against the heels she was wearing on her own feet. There was no way that I would wear those, my chucks saved my comfort zone this time and Chloe had given in. My long blonde haires fell over each side of my shouders to cover my bare skin and half of my collarbones.

While my eyes wandered over the dancing people I didn't recognized the guy who suddenly stood beside me and seemed to eye me with an interested glimpse in his green eyes. I ignored his stare although it made me feel like a cheap target. I fumbled with my hands and picked on the skin of my nails to control my breathe that was caught in my throat. I just waited for him to talk and try to get in my pants. It was always the same, it always went that way and that was why I never attended any party. No one talked to you out of interest or boredom but to touch your skinn and embrace you with and alcoholic breath. Dillon caught my figure and sent me a small nod which I returned but as soon as his eyes saw the guy beside me his face darkened and he looked at me again, I shook my head and shrugged to what he turned back to his drums and the band. Even though both of us didn't really talk, he seemed to notice me and my environment. Blake could be thankful to have such a loyal friend like him, but he didn't seem to take notice of that as well.

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