Chapter 63

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Maia-Jane Miller

,, Dillon? ,, I asked in disbelief.

,, Welcome back, Maia ,, he smiled at me, his teeth lit up in the moonlight that shined through the large wide opened entrance doors a bit further away from us. ,, Did you really think we would give you over to death itself? ,, he smirked.

I could not reply because one minute he flashed his teeth in a smile and the other we were running up the stairs. My dress was unfortunately to my disadvantage because one of the guests must have seen the fabric and stared to yell my name.

I looked back over my shoulder ,, Don't look back ,, Blake said and pulled me with him.

,, I hope you have a floor plan of this castle or an exit- ,, I told him in a hurry because people had taken notice of us and while we reached the top of the first floor, I heared footsteps leaving the ballroom, coming in our direction.

At the top of the hallway and the end of the stairs, Blake pulled me straight out to a heavy door that Nicolas held open for us. I stared at him ,, Nicol- ,,

,, Hurry ,, was all he said in a rush but I saw the reliev over his face when Blake and I passed him.

,, Wait- ,, I said as we ran into a very long empty and dark hallway, with windows on the left side and kinight satues on the right. ,, Where are Chloe and Anna? ,,

,, Who do you think lied the fire and darkened the room? ,, Blake asked and looked over his shoulder.

,, They- ,, I looked speechless and he only nodded.

,, Nicolas waits for them at the door, Dillon and I will get you out of here. ,,

I saw Dillon running in front of us, looking back a few times but not only to us but to Nicolas who still seemed to wait at the door. Chloe. He was looking out for Chloe.

Suddenly, the staircase that led down to a secret exit at the very end of the dark hall was flooded with four men who came up and Dillon was straight in front of them. I screamed. I heared myself scream and Blake abruptly stopped so that I ran into him. He turned to me in a rush, his eyes wide as they looked at me.

,, Stay here. ,, he said urgently ,, Do not move ,, a soft brush on my cheek and then he left. His feet ran over the marble floor and toward Dillon who faced the four of these strangers that looked like guards.

,, Blake- ,, I shouted after him but he didn't turn around.

Soon there was yelling, fighting and groaning. It all happened in moments, seconds- as soon as Blake reched Dillon a bloody fight started. I saw blades shining in the moonlight that appeared and slithered through the air, them ducking, backing away and fighting with fists and blaes themselves.

I looked over my shoulder and saw Nicolas who still seemed to wait for Anna and Chloe. I rushed back to him and ignored his shocked expression. He couldn't leave to help because the door was too heavy to stay open. ,, Go! ,, I yelled at him as soon as I reached him. ,, They need you, go! ,,

Hesitation flickered in his eyes before he shortly nodded and let go of the door, I grabbed tightly with all my force and pressed my body against. I was still weak, too weak. But I would not leave Chloe and Anna here, they'd helped to save me, i would not leave them behind. I could do nothing but watch him run over to Blake and Dillon. It was a horrible thing to watch, how they were being hit but not before hitting back, a blade had slithered Dillon's white shirt open and there was a fresh cut, the blood sparkled like the finest wine in the moon shine through the window and my eyes flickered back to the large staircase.

Then- I saw them. Chloe's soft, pale and terrified face appearing on the steps. She was holding her dress up, to not trip over the material of it and I aped at her. The jewels in her hair, the diamond earrings on her ears. Her mask was dangling on her wrist and mine lied somewhere on the stairs. When she reached the top and looked up, her eyes widened at the sight of me. She looked like beauty itself, a princess but there was black carbon on her soft hands, some on her cheek.

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