Chapter 75

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oh and photograph by ed sheeran

imagine this chapter happening in slowmotion...


Mara Kenward

The whole library crashed down after I ran out of it and down the hallway back to the stairs. They were lit up on the brightest fire I had ever seen but I let my eyes look the railing up and down before I gripped it tightly with both of my hands and climbed onto it and over to the other side.

I looked down. I saw cars parked on the outside and shadows waiting outisde. Another window shattered somewhere and I saw how they'd reached the terace. Everything felt like crashing down and splintering apart. Not only the secret safe place Blake had kept so carefully hidden from others but also the home he'd created without knowing. And it all crashed down because of me. Because he chose me.

As I balanced between the free fall down to the entrance and into the fire and the safe warm prickling railing in my hands, I saw the invisibly looking doorknob at the side of one of the entrance walls. The fire had not reached the whole floor since the gasoline did not reach the whole marple floor. I didn't think and let go. I jumped just in front of the fire and ran, caughing- over to the wall. I threw myself against it since there was absolutely no time to figure out how to open it and fell into the opening space.

As I escaped the mansion and got to the basement which consisted out of a large and wide hall were many expensive cars stood, I looked for the one with which Blake had droven me to Anna's birthday party months ago. I saw the blakc greyish vehile shining in its mysterious armor between a red jaguar and a grey jeep and ran over to it. I fumbled the car keys out of it that i had seen on Blake's nightstand before I had hurried out of bed minutes ago. I had known that it was time and that my sign had shown up.

The car blinked as I unlocked it and I heared how somewhere a door or gate slowly opened. My fingers closed around the door handle before it could open itself and ripped on it. As soon as I sat in the car and started the engine I followed the sound I'd heared, hoping there would be an exit, a way out.

I sped out of the hall without knowing where it would lead me but as soon as I saw an open gate I rushed out of it and a breath, i didn't know I kept inside, came out of me like a crashing wave arriving at the shore. The gate led out of the mansion and it had been built at the left side of the building, unable for strangers to see. But the only disadvantage this car beheld, was its noise. The loud rustling deep sound of it echoed through the hall and I heared it through the blakc windows as it escaped into the night.

But that was exactly what i had wanted because as soon as the car notified its place I heared how people yelled and cars were started.  The gate fell shut behind me and, it as well, had been  a secret unshown part of the house. I pushed my foot down the gas pedal and realized that and drove straight toward the back yards where the fields stood as i saw the black cars appear behind me. I saw men's faces stuck out of windows and guns in their hands, firing before they even saw me. The look in my eyes darkened and I sped forward and turned the car to its right as soon as I passed the high walls of the mansion. The fileds stretched themselves out in front of me in the darkness of the night and I tried to imagine where Blake and Nicolas and Dillon were running, what way they were on. And I hoped, no I whished that Chloe's soul was following them and scurrying past them.

My eyes caught sight of the terace where different men of the mafia stood, there guns pointed at me, firing with all they had. But my eyes caught sight of a warm flickering light, shining in the brightest armor I had ever seen. And even though the night was calm, I felt the warmth of the light waving over the high grass and flowerbeets toward me. I looked over to the fields again.

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