Chapter 71

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Mara Kenward

When I stepped out of the hair salon again, my black heels clicked on the stone ground and Blake's coat blew after me. A wide smile was spread all over my face as I got ointo the car which unlocked itself and opened its door for me. My brown hair fell lightly down my back and a few waves lied on my shoulders.

,, Well well well, welcome back Mara Kenward. ,, I mumbled to myself as I started the engine and looked at my self through the blackview mirror.

I didn't have to type in the adress, I knew exactly where to go. The car sped out of the alley and back into the overfilled city of London. There had always existed one mansion, brighter and posher than any other outside London and it was exactly where I would find them all. Thiefs, murderers, criminals and liars. I adjusted the backview mirror again and my blue eyes flashed at me like diamonds.

I knew they didn't expect my arrival which made it all so much more perfect. I drove out of London and onto the rodes again. This would be a long car ride. My fingers gripped onto the steering wheel tightly, my knuckles turned white. I breathed flatly, hating that I knew blindly where the mansion lied. I was so wrapped up in my short trance that I flinched when my phone rang. Luckily, it was adjusted to Blake's car and so I easily swiped to accept on the small tv after Blake's name flashed across it in white color.

,, Blake? ,, I asked as soon as the phonecall started. I had no time to speak to him right now, and definitely non for explanation.

Of course I had thougth about his reaction about me being gone but I was coming back, I had told Dillon I was. I understood Blake's worry, I really did but I hoped he believed me when I would tell him everything was okay because it was. I knew, my behaviour was extremely suspicious toward Dillon and he had all right to but he had no idea of anything, even if he thought to have figured it all out. He was a spy, but so was I. Now that I no longer had to hide, I could finally end my purpose.

,, Maia- ,, I heared how he let out a shaky breath at the end of the line and gripped the steering wheel only tighter ,, Wherever you are, you should come back soon. ,, he said and my eyebrows rose just the tiniest bit, because I had expected him to yell at me and to tell me to stop messing with him ,, Please tell me you're alright and save. ,, followed after some silence between us. And still, there lingered so much between us, so much unsaid, and so many secrets.

,, I am, Blake. I'm okay ,, I told him to reassure his weak soul. I didn't want him to worry, I didn't want him to panic or break his head about where I might be. I wanted him to trust me.

,, Why did you leave? ,, his voice then asked fragile and I closed my eyes just for a brief falsh second. He didn't trust me. He tried but he didn't.

,, I didn't leave. I am coming back ,, I replied gently and I whished he could see me right now, whished I could hold his hands and kiss them and tell him that he didn't have to fear the world an its people. I was so sad. So sad that he feared my life because he knew that it was not ordinary and normal. He once told me that all he ever whished to be was normal. And it felt like a slap, like ripping feathers out of my wings to see him being held from such a choice.

,, We have war ,, his voice suddenly said and if I wouldn't have been on the road between other cars flashing beside me like camera lights I would have tried to explain it to him.

I nodded even though he could not see me before I answered ,, I know ,,

And there was that. The line went dead again. I saw him in front of me leaning against a wall staring at the phone and wondering how i knew such an information before he did. There were so mayn things I could not explain to him, yet. And so much he still didn't know.

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