Betty x Sweet Pea

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get ready 😳 also fuck! I was supposed to post yesterday but just totally forgot and missed the reminder I set for myself 💀🤦‍♀️

Betty POV:

"Once I'm done at the gym and dinner with Fangs I'll come here?" Sweet Pea asked me.

"If you bring dinner, sure" I grinned and he chuckled as he kissed my head.

"Yes ma'am, see you later" he smiled as he let go of my hand.

"See you soon" I smiled as I walked up to the door.

As soon as I twisted the doorknob open, I heard the sound of a woman and my dad yelling. A confused look formed on my face as I walked into the lounge and saw a blonde haired woman standing whilst my dad was sitting on the opposite side of the room.

"Leave" he told her sternly as soon as he saw me.

"No, you can't just" she started but he let out an annoyed huff as he looked to me.

"Can you please go next door?" He asked me and I shook my head no.

"Who's this bitch?" I said annoyedly.

I don't know who this blonde woman is but if my dad doesn't like her, neither do I.

"This bitch is your mum" she said and my face dropped as I turned to face her.

"Betty, go next door" my dad warned me but I ignored him.

"What the fuck do you think you're doing here?" I asked her angrily.

"I came here to ask you for something, not to be treated like this. Is this the type of kid you raised?" She spoke venomously to my father.

I raised my fist and swung directly at her face. I grinned at the way she squealed out in pain.

"Why don't you get your entitled looking cardigan out of my house!" I told her sternly as she held onto her nose which was bleeding and looked slightly misplaced.

I was disappointed with my work, I should have swung harder. Never mind, she's still here, I can always swing again.

"Fucking hell" she said.

"I told you to leave" my dad said as he shrugged his shoulders.

"Look I'm going to get to the point, my kidney is failing and I want to get you tested and if it's a match, I want you to give it to me" she said.

"And as I've told the bat shit crazy lady, none of that is happening" my dad said.

"So let me just get this straight for a second. You want me to get some test so if we match I can give you my kidney?" I smiled at her.

"Yes, exactly" she smiled.

"Sorry, let me clarify again. You want me to give my kidney to a complete stranger?" I said.

"I'm not a complete stranger" she said.

"Well if we're not strangers I'm sure you can answer some simple questions about me, who's my boyfriend? How old am I? When is my fucking birthday?" I said angrily.

How dare she walk into my life and ask for a part of my fucking body? I don't know this creep and I find it gross that she thinks she can leave me for seventeen years and than walk into my life, asking for something, let alone my damn kidney.

"Well that's obviously a trick question, you're not dating anyone, you're nineteen and your birthday is sometime December" she said, for some reason breaking my heart.

"You got everything wrong" I said as I felt the stinging sensation of tears form in my eyes.

I don't know why I'm upset. I accepted a long time ago that I don't have a mother. Instead, I have a loving dad who has given me the world and more.

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