Betty x Sweet Pea

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Could-Could this be??? ME?!?! Posting?

Betty POV:

I made myself a hot chocolate before I sat at the kitchen table. I've probably yawned no less than five times since waking up, and it's all my husbands fault.

Sweet Pea, the man I have loved since I was born and the man I fell in love with when I was a teenager, he snores like you wouldn't believe. Every night I struggle to fall asleep and stay asleep because of his snoring.

When I saw my husband walk into the kitchen, I wanted to get up and punch him in the balls. He walked over to me with a smile as he wrapped his arms around me and hugged me tight.

"Good morning my beautiful wife" he said.

"Good morning for you maybe" I mumbled and he let out a sigh.

"I'm sorry" he said as he made himself a cup of tea and sat opposite me.

"Sweets I hate to say this, but I think you need to start sleeping in the spare room" I said and he gave me a frown.

"Betts really?" He said.

"I don't want that either but as long as you're in the same bed as me, I think of new and creative ways to get rid of you" I said and he gave me a small grin.

"What would you tell the kids?" He asked me.

"He died peacefully in his sleep, and he left us a lot of money. Now, here's your new step dad" I grinned and he shook his head.

"You have it all planned out, you crazy bitch" he said making me laugh.

"Your death isn't going to stop me from finding my true love" I said and he gave me a small smile as he rested his hand over mine.

"Can I take you to some fancy restaurant tonight?" He asked me and I smiled as I looked into his eyes.

"I'd love nothing more" I smiled.

"But back to the serious topic. We need to do something about your snoring. The over the counter medicine and other shit we've tried isn't working" I said and he let out a sigh.

"I'm guessing you want me to get the surgery?" He asked and I gave him a sympathetic look.

"I know it's not what you want and I wish there was another way but it's either that or we sleep in different beds" I said.

"Fine, we'll look into it today" he said and I gave him a thankful smile.

"I love you" I smiled and he moved from his chair and took a seat beside me.

"I love you too" he said as we pressed a kiss to each others lips.

I rested my head on his shoulder as I closed my eyes. Both because I felt so warm and happy, and because I really could fall asleep at any given moment.

"Can we wake the kids up? I miss them" he said making me chuckle.

Sweet Pea and I have the two most amazing kids together. There truly isn't a single day where I don't acknowledge how beautiful of a family I have. Everything about my life makes me so happy.

"Babe let them sleep" I chuckled as I picked my head back up.

"Oh come on please, they barely spend any time with us anymore" he said and I raised my eyebrows.

"They spend all their free time with us" I grinned.

"Okay fine, can we just walk past their rooms and see if they're awake?" He asked and I smirked.

"Fine, but don't you even dare try and wake one of them up" I said and he immediately popped up and pulled me with him.

"I'll be as quiet as a mouse" he said as he held my hand and we walked upstairs.

"We've been together for over two decades, is it really necessary for you to keep lying?" I asked him with an amused grin.

"It keeps the spark in our marriage alive" he said making me quietly chuckle.

"I think you buying me something new and expensive would keep that spark alive" I said.

"Name it and it's yours babe" he said making me smile.

"We'll never lose our spark" I said as I squeezed his hand.

"Of course we won't, we're the best couple to come out of this town" he said making me smile.

We finally reached our sons room and we saw a very confusing sight. Tyler was sitting up with tears in his eyes while Sarah was wrapped in his arms, sobbing.

"Hey, what's going on?" I said worriedly as I let go of my husbands hand and walked into the room.

"Go away" Sarah sobbed, causing Tyler to hold her tighter.

"Baby what's wrong" I said as I took a seat besides them and Sweet Pea sat by the other.

"Can you guys please just leave?" Tyler said annoyedly.

"Tyler, tell us what's bothering you both?" Sweet Pea said seriously.

"How do you two just have kids and then decide to get divorced? Do you even think about us?" He said causing Sweet Pea and I to give him the most confused look.

"your father and I getting divorced? This sure is news to us" I said.

"Why even bother lying to us? Sarah heard you guys say it in the kitchen. And you're already dating another guy" he said and that's when Sweet Pea and I looked to each other with grins.

"And now you're going to laugh in our faces when we're visibly upset" Sarah sobbed out.

"Oh my sweet loves, your dad and I aren't getting divorced. It was just a small joke. You realise there isn't a single thing that could make me leave your dad?" I said as I gently ran my hand over my daughters arm and then my son.

"I'll have you know, your mother is unbelievably obsessed with me" Sweet Pea started and I raised an eyebrow.

"And I'm even more in love with her. We've been inseparable since she was born. What makes you think what you heard was anymore than your mum and I messing around?" Sweet Pea said.

"Well if you heard it from where I was standing, you'd be worried too" Sarah said making me chuckle.

"You're so stupid Sarah" Tyler said as he rolled his eyes and pushed his sister out of his arms.

"You believed it too asshole" she said as she pushed him. Sweet Pea chuckled as he shook his head.

"Knock it off you two" he said.

"Come on, get up and your dad and I will make you some breakfast" I smiled.

"Actually, I'm going back to sleep. I was all nice and warm before little miss crazy came into my room" Tyler said.

"Ty" Sarah pouted and he let out a huff.

"I'm going back to bed too" Sarah said.

"Nope, you're up now" Sweet Pea said as he stood up and ushered our kids out of bed.

"You two Mrs. Conner" Sweet Pea said as he picked up my hand and pulled me up.

"Aren't you a bossy one" I smirked as I looked up to him.

"No I'm just an in love husband" he smirked as he wrapped his arms around my neck loosely and began smothering me in kisses.

"Jesus Christ, we get it, you two are still together" Tyler said with a grossed out look on his face as he quickly walked into the kitchen to avoid us.

"I don't even know what happened in the last 10 minutes" he said as we stopped walking and stood in the hallway together.

"We learnt that our kids will have a complete mental breakdown if we got divorced" I chuckled.

"I'd have a complete mental breakdown too" he said and I smiled as I wrapped him up into a hug and looked up to him.

"Mine. Mine forever" I said as he wrapped me into his arms and squeezed me tight.

I've said this once and I'll say it again, I have so many ideas but I'm just too lazy to write them.

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