Betty x Sweet Pea

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Swetty is the only reason I believe in love, and I'm the one who's writing about them 💀🤣

Sweet Pea POV:

I rushed into the hospital as I ran down the corridor to go and find my brothers room.

I turned the corner into his room where I saw the last person I'd expect, my ex girlfriend, Betty Cooper.

"Hey, are you okay?" I rushed out as I walked to my brothers side.

"Do I not have blood all over my face and arms?" Tyler asked as he raised an eyebrow.

"Poor choice of words" I said as I rolled my eyes.

"With the drugs, I feel as light as rain" he smirked making me chuckle as I shook my head.

"What happened?" I asked as I took a seat beside his bed.

"I was walking home from school when some Ghoulies jumped me" he said and I shook my head angrily.

"I'm having it dealt with" my dad said and I nodded my head.

"And not that I'm not happy to see you, but how come you're here?" I asked Betty confusedly.

"Well you two assholes weren't answering your phones and I knew Betty would" Tyler said.

"Thank you" I said to Betty and she nodded her head.

"You haven't gotten any better at answering your phone, have you?" Betty said as she raised an eyebrow.

"I was always decent at messaging you back" I said in defence.

"Yeah, only took you hours to answer basic questions" she said as she raised an eyebrow.

"You only had to tolerate hours? He must have loved you" Tyler said and I shot him my biggest glare while Betty looked away from me.

"I mean while we're on the topic, what's going on with you two?" He asked and I shook my head at this little shit.

I've tried dating only one other person since I broke up with Betty and Tyler has made it clear that he didn't like her. Which it's going to be hard for whoever I see because Betty left an amazing impression on both Tyler and my dad.

"Knock it off" my dad warned Tyler who rolled his eyes.

"So I don't even get to have a little bit of fun while I'm on my death bed?" Tyler groaned out.

"You're not on your death bed" Betty said seriously as she raised her eyebrows.

"Exactly" my dad agreed with Betty.

The conversation went back to something more light hearted as I looked over my brother. Blood, cuts and broken skin were scattered all over his upper body. I want to kill whoever the fuck touched him.

This also means my control is slipping which causes me more stress. My dad always makes this job look so easy and everyday there just seems like a new problem I'm struggling to keep ahold of.

"Do you want me to get you some food?" I asked my brother because I felt like this room was starting to become suffocating.

"Yes, please, I'm actually starving" he said so I nodded my head as I stood up.

I walked out of his room and closed the door behind me as I took a seat on one of the chairs.

I let out a frustrated sigh as I rested my elbows on my knees and my head in my palms.

This never should have happened to my brother and I need to figure this situation out fast.

Thoughts of worry and just anger kept circling my mind until I heard the sound of an angel.

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