Betty x Sweet Pea

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Kinda shit, ngl 😂

Betty POV:

It was the middle of the night when I walked down into the kitchen to get a glass of water.

There was a small bit of light from the microwave clock where I managed to make out Sweet Pea's figure.

"Why are you up?" I mumbled as I looked at him from the opposite side of the kitchen table.

"Nothing, why are you up?" He asked and I shook my head as I took a seat opposite him. 

"Is it Bella?" I asked.

He closed his eyes as he nodded his head. I let out a sigh as I shook my head.

Sweet Pea and his girlfriend Bella have been arguing a lot lately. Whenever you're around the two of them, you can just feel the uncomfortable tension.

"I can't keep doing this. Every fucking day she acusses me of cheating on her and not loving her enough yet I spend all my time doing everything for her" he said frustratedly.

I knew Sweet Pea was really at his limit because he was being honest about his feelings for once. This whole month we've all known that this situation has been bothering him but he barely ever mentions it.

"Sweets you've been miserable for the past month. If she's constantly doubting you and not even willing to hear you out, what's the point?" I asked him.

"I love her" he said and I gave him a skeptical look.

"Do you love her or are you just afraid to leave her?" I asked him and I gave him a sympathetic look since we both knew I was right.

"Come on Sweets, go to bed. Get some rest and in the morning do what you have to do" I said as I stood up and encouraged him to follow.

He did as I said and I wrapped my arms around his as we walked upstairs.

"Thank you" he said as we stopped at my room.

"Always here for you Sweets" I smiled as I walked into my room and closed the door behind me.

I got into bed and let out a small little squeal into the pillow. I am very much in love with my best friend. He means the world to me and when he got into his current, soon to be over relationship, I realised I had very strong feelings for him.

I was use to always having his time, attention and comforting touches but that all went away when he got with Bella.

It was hard to lose everything about him. He was so caught up with her that I became more of an after thought. And I'm not mad at him about it, that's just how relationships are. But it hurt I wasn't the one who got to love him and got to have his love.

I looked up at the ceiling as a smile lingered on my lips. For the next week or so my dad and I are staying at Fp and Sweet Pea's since we're having the whole house repainted. This gives me the perfect opportunity to be there for Sweet Pea at all times.


Sweet Pea POV:

Betty was sitting up in my bed as she flicked through the tv channels to find something that interested her. For some reason, I got this overwhelming feeling just to hold her and hug her and give her the physical attention I know she craves and I love to give.

Ever since I broke up with my ex, Betty and I have gone back to our normal selves. I really didn't know how much I missed spending every second of every day with her. How I missed the way she just expected me to hold her in my side, or any contact at all. I hate knowing that she would have gotten this closeness from other people.

I got into bed next to her and wrapped my arm over her shoulders. She rested her head on my shoulder and continued to scroll.

Seeing how comfortable she is around me, it makes me feel so happy. I admire her trust, and her. I like her a little too much just to be friends.

"I can't find anything" she huffed out.

"You haven't tried hard enough" I said with a chuckle.

"You haven't tried hard enough" she mimicked me.

I wrapped my other arm around her and held her tight to my chest, using a slight bit of pressure but not enough to hurt her.

"Pardon?" I grinned.

"You heard me, bitch" she said so devilishly.

Without even thinking, I wrapped my hands over her hips and pulled her into my lap so she was basically straddling me.

"Is that any way to speak to your best friend?" I asked as I looked up into her eyes.

"Is this anyway to touch me?" She asked as she raised an eyebrow.

"Tell me you don't like it and I'll stop" I said seriously.

"I finally have you where I want you. Why would I stop that?" She asked as she looked down at me.

"Really?" I grinned.

"Yes" she said as she began to blush so she quickly hid her head in my shoulder.

"Tell me how long" I whispered into her ear as I held her tight.

"When you got with Bella and you stopped paying attention to me. It hurt a lot and I realised I liked you more than a friend" she whispered sadly.

"I'm sorry" I said softly.

"You should be sorry asshole. I mean the whole fucking world to you" she said making me laugh.

"I know I wasn't a good friend during that relationship and I'm sorry for that" I said.

I know I was terrible at managing friendships and dating. It was never my intention. I just got so caught up with Bella that I kinda just zoned everything else out.

"I know you didn't do it on purpose but I still missed you" she said.

"You have all of me now" I said softly.

She sat up straight and held out her pinky finger with such an adorable smile on her face.

"Promise?" She asked me. I held out my pinky as I wrapped mine around hers.

"Promise" I smiled.

"Now be a good boyfriend and let me go so I can choose a stupid movie" she said making me laugh.

I unwrapped my arm from around her and let her make herself comfortable again in my side.

"Love you" I whispered as I kissed her head.

"Love me too" she grinned to herself.

Hope you enjoyed <3

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