Betty x Sweet Pea

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Enjoy cuties

Sweet Pea POV:

Pop had just placed my food on the table when I saw my phone light up with a message from my girlfriend.

I unlocked my phone and read the message from my princess. "Baby, I'm out and I see this really cute guy. Do you think I should ask for his number?" Was what the message read.

I looked towards the entrance of the building and saw my girlfriend standing there with the widest grin on her face. I playfully rolled my eyes as she walked over to me.

"May I sit with you?" She asked.

I answered her question by wrapping my arms around her waist and pulling her into my lap.

"Baby you are always welcome to sit with me. In fact, I strongly encourage it" I said making her smile as she positioned herself so she could see me.

"Why didn't you call me to hangout mister?" She asked with a fake skeptical look.

"I did text you asshole" I said as I raised an eyebrow.

"What? No?" She said confusedly as she pulled out her phone.

She opened up our messages and proved to me that I didn't send her a text which prompted me to give her a confused look.

"Who did you message?" She chuckled as I pulled out my phone.

I looked through my messages and saw that I had messaged Fangs. That was an hour ago and he didn't even reply.

"Fangs and the bastard didn't reply" I said making her chuckle.

"I'm glad he didn't, means I get more of you" she smiled and I pressed a kiss to her lips. 

"Why didn't you ask me to hangout?" I said and she gave me a mischievous grin.

"You won't like the answer" she said and I let out a sigh.

Betty is undoubtedly the love of my life. I crave her time, touch and affection. I tell her this nearly everyday. Not to be cocky, but I'm a really good boyfriend to her. She's the best girlfriend I've ever had and I intend on spending the rest of my life with her. But, she sometimes thinks that she annoys me because she wants to spend too much time together. Too much time with her is never enough time. She thinks she bothers me but I would literally follow her in silence if she let me.

"Sweet girl" I said as I moved my hands to caress each side of her face.

"I really wish you didn't think that you're annoying me, because you don't. I really am in love and want to spend my time with the girl I love most. So please, please never be afraid that you're spending too much time with me. I want all of your time" I said and she hide her head in my neck, making me chuckle.

"I love you adorable one" I whispered as I kissed her neck.

"I love you too Sweet Pea, more than I could ever tell you" she said as she pressed small kisses to my neck.

"Keep giving me kisses like that and I'll let you fuck me right here right now" I whispered. She dug her head out of my neck as she looked to me with a blush.

"Sweets" she whispered making me chuckle.

"Go order something and get your ass right back in my lap" I said and she blushed as she nodded her head and got up.

God she is so fucking adorable. The way she still blushes after two years of dating, it makes my heart completely melt.

She soon came back to the table and back into my lap.

"How are your parents enjoying their weekend away?" She smiled as I wrapped one arm around her and began eating my food with the other.

This weekend my mum and dad went to some place with natural hot springs that my mum has been talking about wanting to go to for ages. So for her birthday, my dad got them a weekend pass. Of course I pretended to be annoyed that I wasn't invited but at the end of the day I'm glad my parents are happy and in love, unlike Betty's. But that's a very long story.

"Mum is sending me a million pictures off their view, the hotel, her food, the hot springs, her fancy cocktails. Really anything honestly" I said making Betty chuckle.

"She's adorable" Betty smiled happily as I picked up a chip and held it to her lips.

"What an honour you'd share even a singular chip with me" she grinned.

"I know, it honestly really is so kind of me. But I will be taking at least 3 of yours to make this fair" I said matter of factly and she laughed.

"Don't think you know what fair is babe" she chuckled.

"I think fair would be me taking you home and us doing whatever you want" I said and she smiled.

"I'd like that" she said softly.

"Great, keep in mind we're two teenagers in a sexually active relationship so if you want to get fucked, please don't feel afraid to mention it at any point" I said and she playfully rolled her eyes.

"You don't even love me" she said and I chuckled.

"Darling you know you're the most important person to me" I said and she smiled as she looked into my eyes.

"You know I adore you, but I know how much you love to hear me say it" I said and she grinned as she nodded her head.

"I always want you to be mine" she said making this giddy feeling in my chest form.

I'm in love and knowing she feels the same way too, I feel the happiest I've ever felt.

"You're always going to be mine for as long as you can put up with me" I smiled.

"That might be a challenge, you're really annoying" she said and I grinned as I tickled her side for a brief moment.

"You're okay enough" she said making me chuckle.

"You're an angel" I smiled, causing her too as well.

"Who won't let me eat my damn food" I said and she chuckled.

"Eat" she said as she kissed my cheek.

Thankfully her food soon arrived and we ate in a peaceful silence. After dinner we headed back to my place.

"So what we doing tonight babe?" I asked as I was going to lead us to the lounge but she took my hand to redirect me.

"I wanna do something in the bedroom" she said as she lead me to my room.

"Oh?" I smirked.

We walked into my room and I took a seat before I pulled her so she was straddling my lap.

"What do you want baby?" I asked with a smirk.

She looked to me as she bit her lip. She's as horny as me but still is a little shy in saying what she wants.

"Come on Princess, tell me. You know how much I like it when you talk like that" I said which thankfully encouraged her.

"I want head" she said and I grinned.

"Just head?" I asked.

"If that's" she started but I interrupted her.

"More than okay. You know I'd never pass on an opportunity to have my head in between your thighs" I said as I gently pushed her onto the bed.

No smut here MA'AM

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