Betty x Sweet Pea

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Enjoy besties x

Betty POV:

"Babe could you do me the biggest favour and please email me my essay? I'm such an idiot and forgot to send it from my personal computer to the school one and it's due next period" my boyfriend Jughead had texted me.

I had a two hour free period and really couldn't be bothered staying at school and studying. Plus, I was hungry too so Jughead told me just to go to his house and chill.

"Jug don't be so hard on yourself and of course I will. What's the name of the document?" I sent back as I walked into his room and picked up his computer from his bedside table.

I walked back into the lounge and rested his computer in my lap as he texted me again.

"You're a god send! It's titled 'Practice essay 3'. Please just open that one, don't touch the others" he sent.

Jughead has been writing a book. He's been writing it for the past three years and has been keeping it really private because he doesn't want anyone to see it until it's done. I really just want to read it because that's what he and I first really bonded over, reading and writing. But of course, I respect him and I'm not going to look through his computer for it.

I found the essay he was talking about and emailed it to Jughead's school email.

"Sent it babe ❤️" I messaged Jughead back.

I put down my phone and exited out of the essay, bringing me to a list of names of his other documents. I dragged the curser to the exit button but I didn't click it as the name of a document caught my attention.

It was titled 'An evening of pure need or was it just a moment of unperceivable love?'. That sounded way too weird and poetic for me not to have a look.

"Here you go honey" Fp told me as he handed me a plate with a sandwich.

"Thank you" I smiled as I took it from him and rested it on the arm rest of the couch.

Fp, Jughead's dad was home when I got here and after finding out I was hungry he instantly offered to make me a sandwich. Underneath his extremely tough exterior, he's a complete teddy bear of a man.

"What are you doing?" He asked as he looked to Jughead's computer and took a seat in his arm chair.

"Uh, Jughead forgot to send himself an essay that was due today so I'm emailing it to him" I told him and he chuckled as he playfully shook his head.

Technically I'm not lying to him, I'm just not telling him what I'm doing in this exact moment.

I took a bite of my sandwich as I double clicked on the document, opening it up. I looked down to the word count and it was over 20,000 words. I then decided to check the information of the document, which told me that he has spent over ten hours working on it and the document was first created on the 23rd of March which is exactly two weeks ago.

I went back to the writing and began reading the first paragraph:

"It was supposed to be one of those nights where you sit back, a drink in hand and friends crowding around you. In all honesty, it was. I was surrounded by the people, maybe minus a couple, who I considered my closest friends. The booth was warm with laughter but it changed all in slow motion. The warm feeling of comfort turned into a hot feeling of anger. There are certain people you don't want to see strip in front of everyone you know and for me that was Betty Cooper."

From that paragraph I could quickly gather that this piece had something to do with me and the argument we had after I did the Serpent dance.

I scrolled down to the bottom of the third page and began reading from there.

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