Betty x Sweet Pea Part 2

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Are we excited besties?

Betty POV:

It was the next morning and I was sitting in the student lounge in my boyfriends lap. He has barely let me move an arms length away from him. I know it's because he wants to protect me from Archie which I really do appreciate. Archie really scares me and I don't want to be anywhere near him.

The bell soon rang and I was kind of eager to get out of Sweet Pea's lap. Everyone keeps looking at us and I really don't like that type of attention.

"I'll see you later?" Sweet Pea asked me and I nodded my head.

"See you later" I smiled as I pressed a kiss to his lips.

I headed to my locker and pulled out my books and everything else I needed. I then headed down to class. I like the subject itself but the class is majority guys and I'm not really friends with the girls so I hate going to it.

"Cooper, with me" I heard Fangs say as I walked inside and I did as he said.

I took a seat next to Fangs who I knew was Sweet Pea's best friend.

"So you're the one who's taking my best friend away" he joked, making me chuckle.

"Honestly your best friend can't stop his little visits to my house" I smirked and he grinned as he shook his head.

We both calmed down for a minute until he gave me a sort of serious look.

"You and him been a thing for five or six months?" He asked and I nodded my head.

"You're going to be at the Wyrm tonight, 7pm do not be late" he told me and I gave him a confused look.

"I'm just the message man" he said as he raised his hands in defence.

"If Sweet Pea wants me there why doesn't he tell me himself?" I asked him.

"You're not going there to see him" he said and I just let out a sigh.

"Stop being mysterious and tell me what's going on" I said with a bit of frustration.

So much is happening within a short amount of time and it's a bit stressful.

"Some higher up Serpents found it pretty obvious that you're the one telling Sweet Pea what to do" he said.

I felt my stomach sink, holy shit they're going to kill me.

"Don't look so anxious, they're happy with you and want to figure out your future in the gang" he said.

"My future in the gang? Yeah, that's very unlikely, I just help Sweet Pea from the sidelines. I don't do it because I want any part" I said.

I care for Sweet Pea and want the best for him, but there really is no way I'm joining the gang. I don't want a tattoo because I literally fear pain and secondly, a person like me doesn't belong with any sort of power in a South Side gang.

"Just go, hear them out and make a decision" he said.

"Will you be there?" I asked him.

Nothing terrifies me more than walking into a gang, let alone an all male one. The chances of me dying are incredibly high. The statistics really aren't in my favour.

"I can be there if you want" he said and I nodded my head.

"Okay, I'll be there" I said and he nodded his head as the teacher walked inside.

Whilst the teacher began talking, I zoned in and out as I tried to figure out what I was going to do with Toni. She has no idea how much danger she put me in yesterday. The chances of him killing me yesterday were so high. My anxiety was beyond through the rough yesterday, I genuinely believed that if Archie even saw Sweet Pea's bike at my house, he'd storm inside and shoot the both of us.

One Shots V.3Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ