Betty x Sweet Pea

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Sweet Pea POV:

"Neither of you are leaving this room until you're at least on speaking terms. You're both being ridiculous" my dad said as he and Hal walked out of the room and locked it behind them.

Betty and I sat on opposite ends of the couch as we both wanted nothing more than to shoot our guns straight through the door until we escaped.

"How's your bitch?" she said, the first one of us to say something.

Betty and I haven't been speaking to each for two weeks which is beyond insane for her and I.

Our dads are best friends who live next door to each other. So it's really not a surprise that Betty and I instantly became best friends. We're honestly higher than best friends. She's my world and I'm hers, it's simple really.

Two weeks ago, both Betty and I started dating someone that the other thought was completely wrong for us. This lead to our stubbornness getting in the way and completely messing up our friendship. We're usually good at treating each other well but this both got the better of us.

Unfortunately to Betty's credit, she was right. The girl I was with only wanted to make her ex jealous and used me to do it. But instead of going to Betty after we broke up, I didn't. Our fight was pretty bad so I had no clue even how to approach her. It felt bad not having her to talk too but we both hurt each other.

"We broke up" I said and she turned her head to face me.

"I'm sorry" she said as she looked into my eyes.

"How's your fuckboy?" I asked her.

Betty got with a guy who promised her he would stop fucking a new girl every other day.

"We broke up" she said and I furrowed my eyebrows at her.

"How long ago?" I asked her.

"A week, and you?" She asked me.

"A week ago" I sighed as I closed my eyes and rested the back of my head on the couch.

"So we've been ignoring each other for a week longer than we should have" I said as I opened my eyes again.

"We never should have stopped talking to begin with" she mumbled and I nodded my head, she's right.

We're better friends than this. We should have been better.

"I'm sorry Betts" I immediately apologised to her.

"No Sweets I'm sorry. I was a bad friend" she frowned as she turned her body to face me.

"No Betts I should have known better" I said but she shook her head.

"I was being an asshole and I wasn't fair to you. I'm really sorry Sweets" she said with a sorry frown on her face.

"I was just being stupid and I got caught up in the idea of a relationship" I started and she interrupted me, scooting closer.

"So did I Sweets" she said with a frown.

"Can we both forgive each other, never talk about this again and never leave each others sides?" I said and she smiled as she moved herself to straddle my lap.

I wrapped my arms around her back as I kept her close to me.

"I want to go one step further, from now on we never do life changing moments without each other. If either of us want to date, the other has to approve. When we move out from home, we buy a house together and we live together and we do everything together" she said making me smile.

"Betty I will literally do anything and everything with you from now on. You're my world" I said as I looked up into her eyes.

"You're my world Sweets and I hate I wasn't the best friend I promised you I would always be" she said as she moved her hand to caress my cheek.

"Betty I wasn't either. We both fucked up and we'll never let it happen again" I said and she nodded her head.

"I love you Pod, more than anything" she said as she ran her thumb in circular motions over my cheek.

"I love you more than anything too" I said as blushes both formed on our faces.

The moment was really intense as we both stared into each others eyes without saying anything.

"If we're going to do everything together, we should 100% be together" she said in nearly a whisper.

"What does that mean Betts" I said as a grin I couldn't control formed on my face.

"Sweets" she huffed making me chuckle.

"I want to be 100% with you. These two weeks were seriously hell without you. Not having you by my side, I can't even describe how lonely and just unhappy I felt. You're this constant in my life that I never want to lose" I said and she gave me a happy pout.

"I really mean that much to you?" She asked me with the most beautiful smile.

"Betts you're genuinely my everything" I said to her.

"Are you gonna keep complimenting me or ask me on a date?" She asked making me smile.

"I'm multitalented Betts, I can do both" I smirked.

"I like that" she smiled.

"I'd also like if you'd kiss me" she said with a blush.

"I'd like that too" I said as I leant forward, closed my eyes and pressed my lips to her glossed ones.

The kiss was soft as we both held each other tighter, never wanting to let one another go.

We soon both leant out of the kiss as we stared into each others eyes with uncontrollable grins.

This sweet moment would have lasted longer but we heard the sound of someone pushing in the keys to unlock the door.

Reality set as I quickly moved Betty to my side and she changed her position so that she was sitting normally just as they walked into the room.

"Are you two on talking terms?" Hal asked with a raised eyebrow.

"Yes, we're better" Betty answered and my dad raised his eyebrow.

"Prove it" my dad said.

Betty smiled as she wrapped her arms around my waist and rested her head on my shoulder.

"Love you Pod" she smiled.

"Love you Betts" I said and then we both looked back to our dads.

"Good, now come on let's go home" My dad said to the two of us.

"Actually, can Betty and I stay for a bit longer?" I asked. My dad looked to Hal who nodded his head.

"You guys can take my car, please don't come back too late, okay?" My dad asked as he threw me his keys.

Betty and I both nodded as they said their goodbyes and then headed home.

"How come you wanted to stay here?" She asked as we both went back to cuddling each other.

"Well a, I wanted to ask how we're going to tell them and b, I wanted to have you all to myself for a little longer" I blushed and she giggled as soon as she saw my cheeks change colour.

"You're so cute, aren't you?" She grinned. I let out a breath as I rolled my eyes.

"So cute cute cute" she giggled as she booped my nice.

"Cooper, boop me one more time and I'll take back everything I said" I said and she gave me a knowing grin.

"You're too head over heels to do that. I get to do and say whatever I want and you have to deal with it. Boop" she said as she tapped my nose again.

"God you're a nightmare" I smirked as I held this precious angel so tight.

when's it my turn to be happy 🥲

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