Betty x Sweet Pea

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Don't ask what because I don't know 😂

Betty POV:

I had finally gathered up enough courage to ask Sweet Pea for something I've been wanting from him for a long time, sex.

Sweet Pea is my best friend and there's no other guy I trust more than him. I want to have sex but I'm also not ready to start looking for a relationship and I don't feel comfortable doing random hook ups. So really, it just makes sense that I want my first time to be with someone who I undyingly trust.

I walked down the stairs of the Wyrm and into the stock room where Sweet Pea was putting away a bunch of boxes filled with alcohol and soft drinks. I let the door close behind me as I looked to Sweet Pea with a smile.

"Hey Peach, you finally decided to help me out?" Sweet smirked as he used the back off his hand to wipe a bead of sweat from his forehead.

"Mh, no thank you Pod" I smiled, making him chuckle as he playfully shook his head.

"So what do I owe the pleasure?" He asked as he leant against the wall.

"Well, I kinda want you to do something for me" I smiled as I pulled his large hand into my two.

"What's up?" He asked with a soft smile.

"I want to have sex with you" I said and his face instantly blushed pink as he pulled his hand out of mine.

"Pardon" he asked me.

"Look Sweets" I sighed.

"I want my first time to be with someone I trust and what other guy do I trust more than you?" I smiled softly as I looked up to him.

"Betts, I can't sleep with you" he said softly and my face dropped.

"Why?" I asked him.

Sweet Pea has never dated anyone, but he does sometimes have one night stands which he has no problem telling me about.

"Because it would just be weird, you're my best friend and we shouldn't cross that boundary" he said and I chuckled as I shook my head.

"Because every guy calls their friend peach" I said and he let out a sigh.

Sweet Pea and I have always treated each other as more than friends, we've just never done any of the physical elements of a relationship.

"What we have going is good for us, let's not complicate it with sex" he said and I frowned.

"So I'm not pretty enough?" I said because that was the only reason he wouldn't want to have sex with me.

"What? Betty you're stunning" he said with a frown.

"Then why can you sleep with random girls but not me?" I asked him.

"Betts don't try and bring that aspect of my life into this" he said because he thought I was judging him.

"I just mean if you can sleep with someone you don't really know, what's so wrong with me that you can't?" I asked him as I looked up into his eyes.

"I promise there's nothing wrong with you. You're so beautiful, smart and my favourite person in this world" he said but I knew he still didn't want to have sex with me.

"Fine, forget I asked" I said as I turned around to head for the door.

"Betts wait" he sighed as he quickly wrapped his hand around my arm.

"Sweet Pea what do you want?" I said frustratedly.

He's just completely shot down the idea of us having sex. I feel embarrassed and don't want to be around him right now.

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