Betty x Sweet Pea

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Sweet Pea POV:

"Dad" my daughter whined out as she closed the curtains and looked to me with a frown and crossed arms.

"Betty is playing with fire and she knows I love fire so why would she not include me?" She said and I instantly frowned.

"What do you mean?" I asked with concern.

"Look" she said as she pushed open the curtain and over the fence I could see a massive pit fire in my neighbours yard.

"I'm going to see what's going on" I said with a bit of worry.

I was really worried about why Betty was having a fire in the middle of summer, and why it was so big. Something isn't exactly adding up.

"I'm coming too" she chirped as she stood up and began pulling me along with her.

We walked out the back door and to the side fence which had a door that goes both ways into Betty's backyard and mine.

Betty had a beer in her hand and a grin on her face as she watched her daughter Jane throw her wedding dress in the fire.

"Hey! You didn't even ask if I might want that" Sarah, my daughter complained to Betty.

"Honey you hate this dress and you've made it clear you have no interest in marriage" Betty said making me grin.

"The dress is very telling of your age" Sarah said and I looked to her in shock.

"Sarah" I said and she looked to me like I was in the wrong.

"I didn't say she was old, I just implied that no one in my generation would be caught dead wearing this" she said as she motioned to the burning dress. I rolled my eyes to her as I looked to Betty.

"What's going on?" I asked her softly.

"I'm getting divorced" she said with a laugh as she drank from her beer.

"Did he steal your money too?" Sarah asked and I rolled my eyes.

My ex wife tried stealing quite a hefty amount of cash from me, which ultimately lead to one of the many reasons we got divorced.

"No, he couldn't keep his dick in his pants so now Sweet Pea has to find him and kill him painfully" Jane, Betty's daughter said.

"Jeez" I said.

Betty's husband and father of their child, Jarrod, has always been an alright guy. He's not terrible but also nothing too special. But he's never the type I would have guessed to be a cheater.

"How'd you find out?" I asked as I gently pulled my arm away from my daughter and took a seat by Betty's side.

"Told me. Wanted everything to be put out in the open so he wouldn't feel guilty" she said and I could see the absolute pain in her eyes.

"Girls, go next door" I said to the two kids.

"I want to stay with mum" Jane frowned at me.

"Honey I'm not stealing your mum" I said, giving her a smile because I knew this would be effecting her too.

"Yes you are. You're needy and always need mum" she said with a small grin.

"Two of you, away" I said making Sarah playfully roll her eyes and Jane look to her mum with a hesitant expression.

"I'll go next door as soon as we're done talking" Betty told Jane who nodded her head.

Once the girls had walked next door and we could hear them make it safely inside, I heard Betty let out a frustrated sigh.

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