Betty x Sweet Pea

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Enjoy my angels ❤️

Sweet Pea POV:

I woke up and squinted my eyes open, seeing my girlfriend sitting on the floor. She was looking in the mirror as she moisturised her arms.

"Morning" I mumbled as I rolled onto my side but closed my eyes again.

"Morning" she said, a bit of tiredness in her voice. She had probably only been up for a little bit.

"How come you're in my shirt?" I asked as I slowly sat up to see her properly.

Last night Betty and I went out to dinner because there was a Serpent event where we had to get dressed up nice. So there Betty now sat, in my white button up and no pants.

"Because I'm fulfilling my fantasies" she said as she looked at me through the mirror.

"And what are those fantasies?" I asked her with a chuckle.

"Waking up in my boyfriends shirt, fucking him in his shirt and then making him breakfast in his shirt while he has his arms wrapped around me and constantly kisses me" she said making me smirk.

"Sounds like one lucky boyfriend" I said as I felt my dick start to get hard.

"Would be if he wasn't so fucking vanilla" she said as she rolled her eyes, causing me too as well.

Betty and I have been having a few discussions about our sex life recently. She doesn't like that I treat her with respect and love while we're having sex. She wants me to degrade her and be rough with her which I don't like at all. I've always grown up to respect my best friend and girlfriend, so that is something that's just not in me.

"Just because I won't choke you, doesn't mean I'm vanilla" I said and she raised an eyebrow.

"What makes you not vanilla?" She asked and I smirked as I pushed the blanket off of my lap so she could see my rock hard cock.

"I fuck hard baby" I said and she looked to me for a moment before she chuckled.

"Sure" she said as she closed the bottle of moisturiser.

"You know what, you've just watched too much porn. You don't know that that shit is fake" I said and she let out a groan as she stood up.

She stood in front of me as she caressed my cheek and pressed a soft kiss to my lips. Now this is what I love.

She trailed her kisses from my lips, along my jawline and up to the side of my ear. She pressed tiny and soft kisses as I wrapped my arms around her back.

"Use me like a slut" she whispered as she pushed me so my back was laying on the bed and she was straddling me.

"Elizabeth!" I said sternly as I looked up to her.

"Sorry daddy, have I been bad?" She asked as she slipped her hand under my boxers.

"Betty, you have too good of a relationship with your dad to be calling me daddy" I said and she let out a frustrated sigh as she brought both her hands and rested them on either side of my shoulders.

"Sweet Pea, baby, bug, love bug, legitimate love of my life. I am so sexually frustrated and I am begging for you to use me in any single way that you please. Please just fucking use me. Choke me, pull my hair, make me take all of your cock, I don't care" she said and I gave her a frown.

"Why do you want me to hurt you?" I asked her.

"It's not hurting me love bug, it makes me feel really good" she said as she leant down and pressed kisses to the corners of my lips.

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