Betty x Sweet Pea

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Betty POV:

"And that's me done Rachel, see you tomorrow" I smiled at the head nurse.

Just as I had said that, a bunch of paramedics came walking in with a patient on a stretcher.

"And I'll be taking that" she said as she took my bag.

"You're the only one who can do surgery at the moment and he has a bullet close to his heart" she said and I let out a sigh.

"Can you at least get me some food for after I'm finished? I'm starving" I said as I began walking off to the paramedics.

"On it" she called out as I began walking with the stretcher.

"Tell me the situation" I said as I looked from the paramedics and other surrounding doctors to the patient.

My eyes nearly bulged out of my face when I saw Sweet Pea laying on the bed.

"Male patient, shot from about 30 metres away but the bullet is millimetres away from his heart so needs to come out" one of the men spoke as Sweet Pea was wheeled into an operating room.

"Betty" Sweet Pea mumbled as he tried to take the oxygen mask off from his face.

"Oh don't tell me you know him" Rachel sighed as she tried to put the mask back on him but he was pushing her hand away.

"I seriously can't die" he said as he looked into my eyes.

"Sweet Pea I'm not going to let you die but I need you to keep this mask on, okay?" I said softly and he tried to nod his head as Rachel put the mask back on him.

"This really isn't ideal. But do you at least not want him dead?" She asked me and I chuckled.

"I want him alive and I'll look after him" I said as I turned to Sweet Pea, reassuring him.

"Hm okay" she said as she walked out of the operating room. 

While me and a few other people scrubbed in, all of my equipment was placed in the room for me.

I walked back into the operating room and watched as the anaesthesiologist began prepping him to sleep.

"My daughter" he said as he tried reaching his hand to mine.

"I'll have someone explain to her what's going on" I said and he nodded his head.

"We're about to put you to sleep. We're going to remove the bullet and stitch you back up, okay?" I told him.

"Okay" he said and I nodded my head to the anaesthesiologist who began administering the medication.

In seconds he was asleep and we quickly got to work on delicately dislodging the bullet and carefully removing it from deep in his chest. Once I had a tight grasp on the bullet using tweezers, I pulled it completely out and placed it in the dish so that it could be safely binned.

"Can you stitch him up?" I asked another one of the doctors who nodded his head and took over from me.

I walked out of the theatre and threw out my scrubs as I walked to the hospital floor I was supposed to walk out of over an hour again.

"What I'm assuming is the daughter of that man is currently pacing the waiting room. Can you deal with that?" She asked and I let out a sigh as I quickly tried to scoff half of the sandwich she got me.

"On it boss" I said making her chuckle.

I walked out to the waiting room where his daughter was the only one.

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