Betty x Sweet Pea

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just something short and sweet x

Betty POV:

I walked upstairs with a little less than three quarters of my birthday cheesecake and two forks in my hand.

"Look at her beauty" Sweet Pea said as he was waiting for me in my bed.

"Me or the cheesecake, Sweets?" I asked as I got into bed next to him and he pulled the blankets over my legs.

"Why can't it be both baby?" He smirked as I handed him a fork.

"You know it is my birthday, you have to be nice" I said with a smug grin.

"Only for another three minutes" he winked.

"So you're saying you're not gonna keep treating me like a princess?" I said with a fake pout.

"When do I ever not treat you like the royal princess that you are?" he said as he pressed kisses to the side of my neck.

I closed my eyes and enjoyed the moment. Sweet Pea and I have the label of best friends although we do everything a couple does, but so much better. Whenever someone asks us if we're together, we always say no. I let out a small laugh at how weird we are for not just getting together.

"Um excuse me, I don't appreciate you laughing while I kiss you" he said as he removed his lips from my neck.

"No, it's not you" I chuckled as I caressed his cheek.

"Well, what's going on inside that birthday girls head? And, can we start eating cake soon?" He groaned out. 

"Soon, let's just talk first" I said and he nodded his head.

"Everything okay?" He asked with a hint of worry.

"Yeah, everything's fine" I smiled as I pressed a quick kiss to his lips.

"Sweets I have a question, why have neither of us asked each other out? We act like a couple in private, honestly even in public we act like a couple. But I want us to have that label and I want us to be completely public. I want to kiss you in public and go on dates and shove our awesome relationship in lame peoples faces" I said and he chuckled as a smile rested on his face.

"Honestly, the reason I never asked you to be my girlfriend was because everything kinda happened fast. I love having you the way that I do, but talking about labels would be big. And as long as I didn't have too, I knew we'd be fine. I just don't want to lose you Betts" he said softly.

I placed the cake on my bedside table and moved myself to straddle him. He looked to me with a loving smiled as he pulled the blankets to rest over my shoulders, keeping me warm and connected to him.

"Yeah I felt the same. We got so comfortable that talking about labels would be scary" I said and he nodded his head.

"But now that we've both said that, I want you to be my boyfriend so badly" I said. He smiled widely yet so cutely as he rested his arms over my back.

"I'd be more than happy to be your boyfriend Betty baby. We have a whole town of bitches to make jealous" he said making us both smirk.

"God you're so fucking hot when you say what I want to hear" I said as I began kissing along his neck.

"I mean every word of it baby. We're so fucking perfect" he said as he pressed me down


I laid on top of my naked boyfriends chest as I watched him look lovingly down at me and every few seconds take a few glances at the cheesecake.

"I actually hate you" I said as I chuckled and shook my head.

"I'll get you something to drink and then please, I'm fucking begging you, let me eat cheesecake" he said and I groaned as I sat up and wrapped the blanket under my arms.

"Fine, go away" I said and he shot up like an excited puppy as he went downstairs.

That is something about Sweet Pea I really like. After sex we'll always cuddle until we've caught our breath and then he'll get me a drink to cool me down and for hydration. He always takes a few big gulps before he makes it back to the room and insists on denying it. But he's cute so I let it side.

He handed me a bottle of water and a glass of coke before he placed a kiss on my head and reached for the cheesecake.

"You're unbelievable" I chuckled as I took a sip of water.

"Can I eat this guilt free?" He asked me with a soft pout.

"Go ahead" I smiled as I kissed his cheek.

I love them

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