Betty x Sweet Pea Part 1

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Besties, I like this one so I hope you do too.

Sweet Pea POV:

I had just had the worst day at the Wyrm and needed to escape to the one person who always knew the right thing to say, Betty.

I knocked on her door and she answered in a panic and in tears.

"Hey, what's going on?" I immediately asked as I wrapped her up into my arms.

"Sweet Pea you need to leave" she sobbed out.

"Betts what's happened?" I asked her again.

"He knows" she said.

"Who knows what?" I asked her confusedly.

I moved her to the couch and sat her in my lap. I've never seen her this upset and I'll easily push aside my problems to look after her.

"Archie, he knows about us" she said as she used the sleeve of her shirt to wipe away her tears.

Betty is dating Archie although I truly have no idea why. She never has a good thing to say about him and she's clearly much more interested in me. I've told her to end things with him but she always says it's complicated. I told her I could deal with whatever the red head was playing at but she always rejects that idea and tries to change the subject.

"You told him?" I asked her and she shook her head as tears just kept continuing to fall.

"Toni did" she said and I closed my eyes as I let out a sigh.

This is my fault. I made a new rule in the Serpents where illegal activity was banned. It was only ruining our already bad reputation. Toni and her bitch girlfriend went behind my back and stole from Hiram damn Lodge. The amount of trouble that would have caused me is astronomical. But, since Toni decided to form her own gang, taking away all the girl members of my gang, Hiram is now on their ass. You'd think after fourteen years of friendship, a friend would never do that. And now that I find out she told Archie information that I trusted her with, our friendship is completely over. We will never be able to repair that.

"Betty I am so fucking sorry" I said with so much sorrow.

"Sweet Pea, you seriously need to leave" she said to me.

"Why?" I asked her.

"He's going to be even more psycho if he sees you and I can't deal with that" she said as I used my thumb to wipe away her tears.

"Betty I've let you deal with him for months now, please let me take control of the situation" I begged her.

She's fucking terrified of the kid and I'm not going to let her put up with it anymore. I'm more than capable of dealing with a carrot.

"Sweet Pea, he has his gun" she said and I furrowed my eyebrows.

"What the fuck Betty? You're not safe to be around him" I said out of shock.

"Don't you think I know that Sweet Pea? Don't you think I've tried to break up with him and he simply won't accept it?" She sobbed out.

She was completely breaking my heart. I wish she told me earlier because I would have done anything to make sure she's okay and most importantly safe.

"Okay hey, look at me" I said as I caressed her chin.

"I am going to deal with this. I'm going to end this relationship and make sure he never causes a problem with you again, okay?" I said to her and she shook her head.

"You can't" she started but I shook my head.

"Angel, I'm not taking no for an answer. I will protect you" I said just as we heard a loud and angry knock on the door.

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