🤎Quick Escape(37)🤎

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It had been 3 days, I had been staying here in this basement. Paul had come to check on me everyday. His men were keeping eyes on my every move for what I was unable to take any kind of risk to escape from here. I was tied with some ropes tightly from my stomach to my hands that I couldn't move. My body was sore and my limbs seemed to have been paralyzed. They only opened these ropes when I was given to something to eat. Last day I put an attempt to make a quick escape from this place when they came to give me food.

Much to my disappointment, they had caught me easily and I was beaten brutally by Paul's men. They had kicked me on my stomach repeatedly until I threw up. I was begging them to stop their torture but they didn't hear. I had several bruises on my stomach for that reason. This was something which I had never expected. From my childhood, I had been always pampered by my parents, my uncle and my grandmother and they had never braught any touch on my body.

Nevertheless I had thought that I would be beaten oneday so much that I would not feel the pain anymore instead I would be longing for someone in this place.Never had I been in such place ,and to manage such situations was not my cup of tea. I missed Sumedh. I didn't know if he was searching for me or not. I didn't matter to him. The marriage was fake. Would he try to look for me? I sighed in my unfortunate life.

I myself was startled on how I could only reminiscent about him even after knowing that he would care less about me. Ironically a part of me still believed that he was the one for me who would not leave my side in my entire life. I had basically sold my sould to the devil himself. Yet I couldn't refrain myself from keeping expectations from him. I hated myself for loving. I had strongly fallen in love with him knowing that I would never get the same love in return. Today I was here only due to him. Pathetic I knew. But what could I do ?

I broke out of my thoughts when I heard the door being opened and one of Paul's men came near. Paul always sent atleast three men to give me my meal. But today, he had sent one man. It was suspicious.

"Where is Paul ?" I asked him without showing any emotion.

"You don't need to know." He snapped at me.

"I need to talk to him. Please call him." I simply said with pleading expression trying to know where Paul was. Paul hadn't come in the last night yesterday.So I was really curious to know where he was.

"He has gone out for some reason. Now take your meal." He replied with harsh tone.However, I jumped in joy inwardly hearing the news. Now I knew exactly what I should do.

I just curtly nodded at him when he began opening the ropes from my body. As soon as I was free, I marched in his direction. His eyes widened when he saw me walking towards him. So he tried to grab my hand where I dodged successfully before kicking on his leg.Palming his mouth, I instantly kneed on his place where the sun doesn't shine. Before he could manage to attack me, I slapped him hard on his face and pushed him causing him to kiss the ground. He was groaning in pain and at that time, I took the ropes. I tied him with the ropes with difficulties as he tried to push me many a times. I then tied his mouth with a rope very tightly which muffled his voice.

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